White House Tours


New member
Family is taking a vacation to the DC/Baltimore area the week of the 4th of July. My sister in law is currently stationed at the White House and we are trying to arrange a tour (or tours) while we are there. The options are the East Wing, West Wing, or both (either same day or separate days). We have 3 kids - 11(m), 9(m), and 5(f). Has anybody else done White House tours and can provide any insight on how things went with kids in tow? My in-laws live near Baltimore and can watch the kids for us if we want to take one of the tours sans kiddos.
@dallasdude101 The kids are definitely coming but apparently it can be a LOT for them to do both tours. Guided tours run around 3 hours for each wing (according to the ol’ reliable google search) and we’re worried trying to do both wings may be too much for them.
@beautiful22 Bring the kids. The tour isn’t exactly long, especially if you’re getting shown around by an employee. I did a tour last year and ran straight into Tim Cook outside the Oval Office.