when did you have your first?

@guitarofgod First two (twins) at 30, third at 32. We’re on the fence about a fourth but if we do we would want a 2-3 year gap. Waiting till we were 30 gave us a chance to get through grad school and have financial stability. Pregnancy has been pretty easy on my body so I don’t regret starting later.
@guitarofgod I got pregnant with my first at 24. I ended up miscarrying at 3 months but got pregnant fairly quickly thereafter and ended up having my rainbow baby at 25. Currently I’m 27 and we have three kids. Like you, we want a big family and in an ideal world, I’d like to be done in my mid to late 30s. Since we had three in 13 months, we’re pressing pause and will most likely try again in a year or two.
@guitarofgod So I also had hoped to be done with babies by 35 because of age. Didn’t happen that way…

My first I had at 27.

Second at 31.
Had a 2nd trimester loss at 34. We thought we would have 3 kids and be done.
Got pregnant soon after our loss with identical twins.
I was 35 when they arrived.

We thought we were done. Then got pregnant with a surprise at 39. Delivered at 40.

That child was so delightful we actually decided to try for one more at 42… I got pregnant the first month trying and just had baby #6 last month at 43.

Originally I wanted my kids closer together. I thought once my first was 1 we would start trying for #2. But that was right around the housing collapse of 07-08… my husband was a realtor at the time. So we had some financial difficulties that put having a baby on hold. She was almost 4 when our 2nd was born.

In hindsight I love the age gaps of my kids. 3-4 years apart has been great. Less stressful in my opinion. Though twins are hard… can’t plan for that though.
@guitarofgod First at 29 (turned 30 three months later). Second at 34, third at 35, fourth at 36. We are finished now, but I do enjoy having the one older kid by himself. We had time to adjust our parenting styles and work on routines and schedules. We had time to plan for more. Got used to not having enough sleep, lol. Then the trifecta happened and now we have an 8yo that can help around the house and also entertain/play with toddlers. It works for us.
@guitarofgod First at 21, second 23, third 25, and pregnant with our fourth at 27. I love the spacing between our kids and I believe we are both on the fence about a fifth.
@katrina2017 Baby 2 was the most difficult. We debated on stopping after him but then we’re surprised with baby 3. Once we hit our stride with three, we were on board for number 4.
@guitarofgod First at 22
Second at 24
Third at 26
Fourth at 27
Fifth at 30

Currently still pregnant with our fifth', he is going to be our last. If spent my 20s begin pregnant and/or with a baby so I'm ready for the next chapter!
@guitarofgod I had my first child at 26, my second at 27, my third at 29, and I’m due in September with my fourth (and last) child a little after I turn 31. Spacing is 19 months between 1 and 2, 22 months between 2 and 3, and 3 and 4 will be 20 months apart. I’ve always wanted 4 kids and I wanted to have them all by 32 (so the youngest will be 18 when I turn 50). I originally wanted them spaced farther apart, but it took over 2 years to conceive my first child. Now that our family is almost complete, I love how close everyone is!
@guitarofgod Had my first at 31 (3 kids, 3.5 yrs from first to last).

My body has given out. I don’t know if it’s all due to pregnancy, we have a lot of other things going on too (we move almost every year with military and that is literally killing me).

I like the comparative financial stability of being an old mom tho ngl.
@uniquescreenname i think the moving due to military is why my mom also spaced out the timing between her 3rd and 4th kids. that definitely takes a toll on the body itself. i hope you regain your strength!!
@christinak Thank you, truly. My second was my favorite pregnancy. Three was where my health fell to pieces lol.

Listen to your heart. I just knew with two I needed three. And even before a lot of the bad health stuff I knew I was done at three.

Good luck
@guitarofgod I got married at 21 and had my first baby at 22. Second baby at 23 (two weeks away from 24) third baby at 25.

We’re done now but we wanted to have our kids younger so that we can do more when we’re a little older.