When are you getting to spend time with your babies?

@eric1844 I’m in the same boat. This is pretty much industry standard for associate attorneys in private practice in my area. I think opening my own practice might be the only way I get better hours.
@eric1844 Another fellow attorney mom here. During the week, that’s about the time I had with my kiddo. Some mornings I would leave before she woke up (husband had morning duty before he went to work). I do have a strict cut off time for daycare pick up (unless I have an evening meeting and a babysitter is handling that for me). But I typically get 5:30-7:45 with my kid each day. I try to enjoy the time we have. I feed her dinner. We might play a game or watch one of her favorite shows before starting bedtime (my kid is 4 now, so life is a bit different than when she was a baby). And I soak up all the snuggles at bedtime.

Weekends are where it is at. We don’t do something super fun every weekend. Sometimes my favorite weekends are just spent at home doing normal things. Cooking, cleaning, playing with her in between chores. I still do a ton of work while she is asleep at night. Some nights I’m working until I can’t keep my eyes open and I fall asleep on the couch. But I do try to prioritize the time I have with her when she is home and awake
@eric1844 I have a 3 yr old and a 4 month old. I’m a midwife and work about 40hr/week. I work 2 12s so I can have a 3rd weekday off and that’s the only way I can swing it. On the days I work, both girls are asleep by the time I get home. I have about 40 mins in the morning with my oldest and the infant is get even less on the days I work 12hrs but on the 1st day off oldest goes to school and I make up time with the baby (at least that’s what I tell myself). For me that 3rd day off is critical.