What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?

@manga006 6-9 months was hard. He could sit up but couldn’t roll or move anywhere. He was so angry and frustrated. He wanted to be doing stuff and just couldn’t so lots of anger. He started walking at 9 months and got a lot happier.

Though big sleep regression at 10-11 months which almost broke us. Then around his first birthday we realised how he was becoming such a cool little person.
@manga006 4-6 months was my favorite too. Currently at 15 months, LO has so much energy and opinionated. It gets hard having a slow day at home, it is easier to spend the day outside.
@manga006 Least favorite: newborn

Favorite: everything after 6 months when he started crawling, and then it got even better when he started walking at 10 months
@manga006 Best = sleepy snuggles after a bath. Clean onesie and they have milk and fall asleep on you

Worst = no sleep. Waking every 40 minutes to feed.
@manga006 Most: 9-12 months! She finally started crawling and we just had so much fun. I love watching her explore and learn new things.

Least: weeks 6-ish through the rest of the newborn phase. She had purple crying and it was so rough. All I remember is holding her for 5 hours every night and crying with her more often than not.
@manga006 Least favourite: separation anxiety stage (realising she could actually be apart from me)

Most favourite: when she started crawling! She would crawl into rooms, she'd crawl into the same room I was in and just squeal "hi bubby!!!" Which she would just smile and be all happy, she'd go back out and back in just so I could repeatedly say this and she'd be happy!
@manga006 Favorite stage was probably the whole first year! I loved newborn and just snuggling all the time. I love watching him learn new skills. I loved when he got his first teeth. Right up until he started to walk, it was great! I miss those easy days where they can’t get very far and can be contained. My daughter is way more active in the womb than he was so with her it may be completely different!
@manga006 Favorite: the last two weeks before his birthday when he started walking (his outlook on life improved dramatically).

Least favorite: the other 11.5 months. My guy fought sleep under the best conditions, cried a lot, hated the car seat, carriers and baby containers and just generally was miserable as a baby. We are all infinitely happier with him as a toddler now that he can walk and talk.

I highly recommend setting up a yes space where you can leave him alone unsupervised for short periods of time. It makes life so much easier and fosters independent play.
@manga006 9-18 months is what I call the angel baby phase. They are so cute and funny and precious.

I couldn't handle the sleep deprivation of that first year though. I'd have more kids if I didn't think it would kill me 🫠
@manga006 Least favourite 4-6 months. 4 month sleep regression hit both my kids hard, and neither had out grown their "colic" by then either. They both got happier once they could sit up and move around.

Favourite was probably 9+ months. First words, first steps, finger foods, reading books, playing games, giggling lots, in a solid sleep routine.
@manga006 Least favourite: newborn -because I had no clue what I was doing and sleep deprivation was a trip.
Most favourite: all of them. Even the newborn stage man I miss every stage with my lil guy 😭
@manga006 Least favorite - newborn. All the hormones, anxiety and sleepless nights were just hard.
Most favourite - every next stage thereafter. Just seeing him grow and become his own little character is amazing. He is 17 months now and is so cheeky, I love it.
@manga006 We’re at 9.5 months and it’s my favorite so far. She’s not crawling yet but she is babbling all the time, says a few words, knows a couple signs, claps, points, waves, dances, and just does funny stuff like teases the dogs with her food then pulls it back and laughs (but eventually shares it) and she shares her food with me and also tries to put her toys in my mouth lol. She also takes two long naps everyday (stopped contact napping around 6/7 months).

Months 1-6 sucked for me, especially 1-4 and it was just horrid around month 3/4 when she was alert and wanted to be entertained but hated being on her back or stomach and just cried and fussed all the time. It was so bad. And her sleep was shit. Like waking 12 times a night. Once we realized she needed hypoallergenic formula around month 5 and she could sit up on her own around month 6, things started to improve a lot. Oh and she used to spit up so so much and that finally stopped around month 6/7.

She has even slept through the night a few times at 9 months but we’re back to cosleeping due to illness and teething. Still better than early days though.