What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?

@manga006 Current favorite is 1.5. Finally walking without tripping every second so my body gets a break from constantly carrying a potato. Sleeps through the night. Still takes long naps. A happy kid content to explore. Now she’s almost 2 and very demanding. However I hated pretty much the whole first year the most. The WHOLE thing. Ew.
@manga006 My second is 4 weeks old and my first is 2.5yo…

I absolutely HATE the newborn stage - it’s awful and if I could birth a toddler I’d give a kidney. It’s by far the worst part but your brain just tricks you into forgetting it by 5ish months post partum.

I hate the sleep from 4ish to 8ish months when they learn to sit up and pull to stand.

I hate solids from about 10mo to around 14mo when they actually can eat with some confidence.

We did all the childproofing we could but we have a set of 2 steps from our long to dining/kitchen area so we had to teach our girl to get down it safely and it is honestly the most valuable thing we ever taught her!

It made us so much happier and her so much safer moving around. She understood if she was needing to descend anything she went backwards legs first and honestly compared to other kids that skill would have saved them a lot of accidents!
@manga006 My favorite is right now at 13 months! She’s trying out walking and talking and just so enjoyable. She copies us, laughs with us, and actively plays and oh my goodness if I could keep her this little I would. My least favorite was probably 4 months. I don’t know what happened but all of a sudden sleeping was a nightmare and she was so clingy and moody all the time.

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