What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?


New member
My baby is currently 7 months and is crawling around and starting to get into all kinds of trouble and honestly this stage has been the hardest for me!!

Our house isn’t big but there are still few things he loves to get into that he shouldn’t so we can never leave him alone, and he can’t be in any ‘containers’ anymore either! I have to set up our pack n play in the living room so I feel comfortable going to the bathroom and leaving him lol

My fav stage was probably 4-6 months when he could interact with us but was stationary haha
@manga006 Favorite: right now which is 7 months, but she just started sitting on her own and isn’t mobile yet!
Least: 3 months or so, when she would cry through entire wake windows and we had no idea why 😓also early post partum when the hormonal mood swings were raging and I cried all the time
@christianextremisttopkek Mine was slow on gross motor skills too. Kids just develop at different times and focus on different things. For us, verbal stuff is where his focus was. He’ll be two this month and is speaking in full sentences. It’s been really interesting bc I feel like the first year everyone asks about gross motor milestones and I always felt behind, but once the turn one everyone asks about verbal milestone, where we feel ahead haha. And then obviously there are one million other milestone areas no one asks about haha.
@manga006 My first baby was horrible 😆 cried and fussed, slept all day awake all night, clingy, grumpy (still is at 13 😆)
I was DREADING the next child, but wow what an angel they were the perfect baby, so easy!
So they are all different.
Personally I liked the age before they started to crawl around and then you just can't sit down and need to keep your eyes open all the time!
@manga006 Favorite stage is the newborn stage. They just sleep and snuggle, unless you have a colicky baby like my third 🥴 least favorite is probably either right after the newborn stage ends when they’re awake a lot more and not mobile (3-4mo), or when they very first start pulling up which varies in age.
@manga006 My son will be two this month, but my favorite stage in his first year was months 10-12. He was crawling, talking some, eating more and more solids - just seeming like a full person.

My least favorite was probably months 2-3. My son had a number of food intolerances - he was always in pain and things were just so difficult.

I would say things started to get better around 6 months - he was sleeping through the night; he dropped to two naps and would give us a super long morning nap so we finally had a bit of a schedule and time to do things while he was awake and while he slept; his food intolerances became significantly easier to figure out as we could give him the food and see how he reacted rather than me eat it (this was during the formula shortage so I was BFing); he was sitting up and just being more of a human rather than a potato.

All of that said, oh my gosh this last year (age 1-2) has been magic. Every month is my new favorite and somehow better than the last, and I am so excited for this coming year. Are there tantrums? Of course. But that’s developmentally normal, and getting to see my kid become this whole hilarious, sweet, clever, wonderful little person is truly the best thing I have ever experienced.
@mystisch Wheat and eggs ended up being the two biggest culprits (in addition to some true food allergies, but those are a different beast). Wheat cleared up around 12 months and eggs by 18 months. It was also pretty easy to avoid these foods once we identified them (by feeding him a new food every three days and keeping a food journal).
@manga006 First baby
Favourite: new born.
He was like a little sack of potatoes I just carried around everywhere. Slept,ate, shit.
Least : 9/10 months. He was standing but not walking. So he was very frustrated/mad. Yelling phase.. once he learned to walk he was chilllll again ! ( I was also like 5ish months pregnant and exhausted )

Second baby;
Favourite; 8+ month plus , she was crawling , eating , sitting up, saying dada. Very very interactive and fun, engaging with brother.
Least; new born. She had colic/gas. Didn’t like anyone except me, couldn’t be put down. Cried for 4-5 hour stretches, slept for 30 minutes max.
@manga006 Favorite: five to seven months, when they’re laughing at you and engaging with the world.

Least favorite: two to four months, when they’re a tiny screaming potato.
@manga006 Currently at 9mo and separation anxiety hit us hard. He's also very mobile, standing up, cruising along the furniture, crawling everywhere. He's also very fussy if he tries something and he can't do it, like opening a zipper or feeding himself with a spoon.

And I still prefer this over newborn lol
I absolutely hated the first 2-3 months
@manga006 My favorite was definitely when my son started crawling, which was about 8-9 months for us. It was so fun! I absolutely hated 4-7 months. The 4-month regression was horrible, but my son also had reallyyyyy bad eczema in the middle of summer. Heat irritates eczema, which I didn't know. So he would just lay there and scratch himself 😬 He still scratches occasionally at 13 months old, but he's much busier now that he can move.
@manga006 Least favorite - cluster feeding for 8 hours at a time.

Most favorite - when she first smiled. It was the start of her evolution from lil’ potato to interactive baby. 😆