What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

@geranium Kiddo is up usually at 7-7:30am. He naps usually 1pm to 2/2:30. Asleep at night by 8ish. Everything is plus or minus 15 min. He's three.
@geranium Around 10, 9.30 if we are lucky. Up by 7 am for day care, not ideal but we have tried the no nap and its hell so we think when she is ready she will drop it easy
@geranium Ours will be 3 in August. Bedtime is 730 and he gets up at 730am (I think he’s often up before then but is quietly waiting). He naps for 1.5-2hrs starting sometime between 1-2pm usually.
@geranium Wake up 8:30-9

Nap could be 2-4 or 3-5

Bedtime 930-10 and sleep by 10/10:30

She's 20mo. If we skip the nap, she's mostly fine but goes to sleep a little earlier like 830/9.
@giventofly32 Ah yeah mine has to be up at 7am 3 days a week when I work, so this is the other issue. He is clearly tired in the morning but will bounce around his crib until 9:30 pm 🙄. When I don’t work he sleeps until 8.
@geranium Just turned 2 earlier this month.

She's usually up by 6:30am, nap for 1.5-2 hours around 1pm, then bedtime is between 8-8:30 usually.

If she misses her nap or gets less than 1 hour, all hell breaks loose.
@christhepenitent Wow, this is our exact schedule at the exact same age. I never really put it together that our weekend naps tend to get pushed past 2pm -- I just blamed that on us always being on the go all weekend but now I realize that it's actually really predictable.