What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

@geranium My 2.5 year old doesn’t nap most days, and she’ll wake up at 9:30am and go to bed at 8:30pm

On the days I can see she needs a nap, I can expect it to take 2 hours or more for her to fall asleep at night, maintaining preposterous energy levels until about 11 pm. Even if she only naps for 15 minutes. I really dont understand how it works lol
@geranium I also have a three year old. On days she naps she usually falls asleep around 8 or 8:30. Yesterday she fell asleep at 9. She's usually up about 6:45 or 7 regardless of when she falls asleep. Today she didn't nap and we started to put her to bed at 6. She was a mess. I think she fell asleep a little after 7. Realistically, she still usually falls asleep about 8 on days with no nap. The transition to no nap is brutal. At least with other nap transitions there was another nap to help catch up on sleep.
@geranium On the days my 3 year old naps at preschool, he goes to bed around 9:15 and falls asleep around 9:30/9:45. Every once in a while, he’ll be up later until 10:30/11pm. Wake up is between 7-7:30am. On the days he’s home, he doesn’t nap and he falls asleep right when we put him to bed at 8pm. He sleeps so much better on days he doesn’t nap.
@syrak Yeah we prefer no nap days too at 3. But he goes to daycare and they nap about 2 hours. At home he doesn’t nap and sleeps 7:30-6:30 ish and is great. It’s a struggle to get him to bed on weeknights and he wakes at the crack of dawn.
@geranium Daughter is almost 22 months old. Bed time at 8:30, but it takes her 60-90 minutes to fall asleep. Wake up at 9am. She naps from 1-4 but again, a portion of that time is singing to herself and playing with her stuffed animals lol.
@geranium Would you consider pushing bedtime to that time when he gets super fussy? At that age, or when we dropped nap we would suffer through until about 630 and put them to sleep then. My son always napped and never had an issue going to sleep but my daughter started to go to bed later with naps and she dropped her nap much earlier than my son. I’d say 3.5 or so. She’s almost 5 now and I still have her in bed by 7/730 most nights.
@servant_of_yhwh It’s usually around 5pm, so no. It’s not feasible for us to get him to bed any earlier than 7:30 just because of life /work/bath/mealtime/his younger sister’s schedule. The days I work we aren’t home until 5:45, my husband isn’t home until after 6, I have a one year old, and we still need to feed/bathe etc. before bed. I know it’s a phase and he will eventually drop the nap. I’m just wondering when other older napping toddlers go to bed.
@geranium 7pm-8am, then nap a few hours at 10am and a shorter nap at 4pm.

I did scream it out for a long time, but now he asks to sleep on schedule. I tried one nap, but it got difficult later in the day.

He’s a teething 1.5 yr old. He loves books so I put one in his crib which he uses every morning.
@geranium Doesn't matter whether she naps or not (she naps at school but rarely does at home). We start bedtime around 730 and she's generally finally asleep by 830. 🥴

ETA she's 3.5
@geranium Both my kids still do one nap typically. 3.5 year old who usually falls asleep around 8-8:30, and an almost 18 month old who typically falls asleep around 7:30-8.
@geranium 2.1 year old

7:00-8:00 wake up window
If he takes a nap it’s somewhere around 2 for about 2-3 hours
Goes to sleep 8:30-9:30

We live on a farm so we have chores to do from 6pm-7:30 (when it starts to get dark) so dinner isn’t usually done until 8.
One of my friends kids often stay up watching tv with her until 10 and then sleep in late the next day.

It’s tough to adjust the schedules but whatever works for your family!
@geranium Our 27mo naps around 12:45-1:00 for 30-60min, goes to bed 7:50 or so and falls asleep between 8-8:30. I've noticed lately that if he wakes up after 2pm he won't sleep until 9 so I figured he needs around 7h before bed. So instead of cutting his nap(which I tried and didn't work for us) I started putting him down for a nap earlier so he gets enough sleep and also enough awake time before bed.
@geranium 18 months old

Wakes 7am-ish

Naps minimum 3 hours of 12-3 or 1-4 pm give or take at home, some times longer, same period but for 2 hours at daycare.

Is sleeping by 8.15pm latest every weekday night, usually by 7.45pm in fact.

Weekends, I may push her bed time to 8.30-9pm on occasions.
@geranium Homie turns 3 tomorrow(!!!!). Wakes up at 6, nap 12:30ish-2:30 (really more like 1-2:30), bed at 8:30, usually falls asleep around 9.

I've been trying to move him to an 8pm bedtime but it's not happening. We tried no nap the other day when we sent him to Nana's, and he passed out on her couch at 3 lol