What does your younger toddlers sleep look like?

@mumof8 Nope, baby was just ready to sleep through. I don’t think you can force a baby to sleep through. They’re either ready or they are not.
@mikegray How was the transition to one nap? We are 15 months old and still on two naps because she has trouble taking longer naps if she is over tired! I don’t really know how to get started moving to one nap
@cheesecakephan It was super easy for us and also very obvious when it was time. He had started sometimes skipping the morning nap. When it did take it, it was only like 30 min. That all happened around 11-12 months so we just dropped it. He immediately took to the switch. My dude seems to be a bit low sleep needs.

If 2 naps is still working the. I guess I’d keep doing it. I’m jealous haha!
@mikegray All the comments like yours are so validating and reassuring, my 16mo hasn’t slept longer than 2.5hr stretches and generally only on the boob.

Roughly 06:30 wakeup, 11:30 nap for 2 hours, 19:30 bed & waking every 40 mins - 2 hours. I tried putting her to bed later to see if it would help her sleep longer but she was NOT HAVING it 😬

We bedshare & contact nap
@tisanewseason That sounds SO rough. We’ve had patches like this and others where he sleeps well in the crib. Our system has been that we put him to sleep in the crib every night and then I pull him into bed with me once he starts waking. We go through periods where he joins me in bed at 11pm (or earlier) and others where he joins around 3am. He slept through the night twice last week for like the first time ever so we’re seeing progress. We’ve had other weeks where he’s up every hour though. I’m sorry you’re going through that. It’s so hard.
@mikegray Thanks so much 🥰 this is a good period for us too; I can at the very least now roll away in the evening and get 40 minutes - 2 hours downstairs to myself, so small small steps in the right direction. I love the snuggles and have a very supportive husband but yeah, it’s been.. a lot
@headheart Your schedule looks great! Honestly ours is all over the place. My 22mo daughter will either wake at 7am, skip her nap completely and go to bed at 7:30pm and mostly sleep through the night, or she might wake at 6:30am, take a 45 minute nap at 2:15pm and go to bed at 9pm.

There’s no consistency day to day and sometimes I’ll offer a nap and we’ll lay there for an hour and she won’t sleep and we’ll give up on the nap. I’d love some consistency but we’re just rolling with it at the moment
@headheart We’re almost identical. But as of late her naps are all over the place because she’s sick.

She’ll sleep anywhere between 10:30am and noon and sleep 2-3 hours. 3 is when she’s feeling really sick.

Usually down by 830/845. Wakes up between 530-630. Been waking up screaming with night terrors in the morning so it’s been weird.

She’s getting better at sleeping longer stretches for the past month or so. Starting to regularly sleep 4 hours at a time. A lot of times she’ll still go 2 or less hours between wakes.

She’s gone from waking on average 10+ times a night to 3-4.
@headheart My 16 month old has a 7/7:30 bedtime, usually wakes up around 6/6:30 but for some reason this past week has been waking up at 5. 😵 He naps from 11-2ish. I'm hoping the time change tonight fixes the 5am wakeups, haha.
@daniel22 I could have written this! Our 16-month-old has been waking up at 5, 5.30 since a couple of days. Otherwise sleeps between 7-7:30 and wakes up 6-6:30. Identical!
@abesabre Guys! Im in the same boat, any idea what the reason is? My 16mo normally wakes around 06:30 but this week we’ve had one split night (03:30 wake for half hour) and two really early mornings (04:30/04:50 & no getting her back to sleep). What’s up??
@headheart 28 months, wake up is around 7am, sometimes later. Bedtime routine starts about 8:30 and usually asleep by 9:30-10pm. If she has a late or long daytime nap bedtime can get pushed later. Sleeps through the night about half the time in her own bed. On the nights she wakes I go get in bed with her and she usually only wakes the once.
@christhepenitent I used to worry about it but it’s working out fine for us. It would be nice to have a little more time in the evenings I guess but I also love having the time to hang out with her after work after missing her all day. Plus the playground near our house is always busiest at like 7:00-8:00pm (it’s summer here) but we are usually the only white family there, so I think early bedtime is very much a western culture thing.