What does your younger toddlers sleep look like?


New member
For example, my 17 month old goes to bed between 8:30-9, typically sleeps through the night, wakes up at 6am on the dot regardless off bedtime, naps around 11am for 1.5-2 hours.

I know all kids are different with their sleep needs but I’m curious what everyone else’s young toddlers sleep looks like and if ours may need some tweaking.
@headheart My 23 month old literally slept through the night, 9-6, in his own bed, without waking up wanting to nurse or come in the big bed with us, for the first time in his whole life one week ago. Low sleep needs and fairly high-strung, but I’ve held out hope for two years it’s possible and it finally happened!! He naps once a day for about 45min sometime after lunch
@ponygals I would have thought that too a couple months ago! We night weaned recently which kind of helped a little but sleeping through the night was a big shock. He’s done it twice now- clearly he had to start working on his two-year-old molars and also get sick right when things started to improve
@todieistogain Yup, basically the same! 21 month old and just recently we’ve pushed his bedtime from 6:30 to 7. Wakes up anytime between 6-7am (doesn’t matter/change based on bedtime) and naps at daycare everyday 12-2 but at home on the weekends it’s anywhere from 10:30-12 until 1:30-3. Were pretty flexible on nap time, depends on what we’re doing during the day and often falls asleep in the car in the morning when we’re on our way home from an outing or activities like gymnastics.
@lemons2lemonade Before! Eating schedule is roughly: 6:30am cup of milk, 7am breakfast, 9:30am snack, 11am lunch, 2:15pm cup of milk, 3:30pm snack, 5pm dinner, 6pm cup of milk.

(Of course because she’s a toddler sometimes she doesn’t want meals and sometimes there are 82 additional snacks lol).
@mikegray Same with my 14 month old. Crazy how so many people’s baby’s can sleep through. I honestly can’t even imagine my son sleeping 6 hours straight.
@mumof8 I read something today that said by 9 months 80% of babies are sleeping through the night. I can’t imagine! The most mine sleeps is 3 hours then wakes up crying so I nurse for like 1 minute and she’s back to sleep. We cosleep as that’s the only way I get enough sleep. She hasn’t slept more than 3 hours straight since like 3 months old.
@alan21usr Yeah same! I have newborns around me that sleep better than my toddler. We cosleep too but he sleeps so poorly with me too. It’s so hard honestly, the sleep deprivation sucks.