What does your younger toddlers sleep look like?

@headheart I'm a sahm so my toddlers sleep schedule basically follows mine. It works for me. My partner works night shift and sleeps til about 3-4pm so my toddler and me both stay up til 10:30pm-11pm so we can spend time with his dad. Then we both sleep til about 10-11 am and he takes one 2 hour nap a day but if I decide to take a nap with him we will both sleep about 4 hours.
@headheart 14 month old, wakes a million times at night. Our bedtime is getting wonky because he is trying to transition to 1 nap but not quite ready. Typically wakes 7-7:30 and bedtime is around 9 because of the late nap. But yeah the night wakes are killing em.
@headheart I have a 17 month old too! He usually goes to sleep 7-730 and wakes up around 530/6am. Naps around 12/1230 for 1-2 hours. But the spring time change is sure to be a little interesting
@headheart My 19m sleeps from around 8:30/9 to around 8. Naps around 1230/1 to around 2, 3 if we did something really exciting.
She generally sleeps through the night unless she had a shit nap, then she’s waking every hour to scream for a 2 mins and back to bed (the more I tried to soothe the angrier she gets so we just ignore it)
@headheart My 2 yr old (27 months) has decided a week before fcking time change that he is going to go to bed closer to 10 pm. He wakes up around 6:30, naps between 12-1:30/2. Started consistently sleeping through the night around 19m, but there’s the off-night every now and then.

I’m gonna lose my shit with time change, ZERO me time
@headheart 18mo - typically bedtime is around 7:30pm, sleeps through (mostly) until 6:30-7:00am. We’ve had a fair few middle of the night wake ups recently due to teething but else wise she’s pretty good.

Nap is sneaking later in the day, normally around 12-12:30pm for 1.5-2hrs

Lunch is normally around 11:30am, and if she’s not eaten much her nap will be shorter.
@headheart we have a 15 month old, and she usually goes to sleep around 9pm, and gets up for the day around 7am with a few wake ups throughout the night. she usually has a nap around 11am or 12pm for 2-2.5 hours. this is very new and finally feels like a bit of a schedule for us which has been great
@headheart My nearly 16 month old is still in the process of dropping to one nap a day - most days it’s one, but sometimes there are those days he needs a nap by 9:30 ¯_(ツ)_/¯ but typically: wakes at 7, nap at noon for 2-3 hours, bed around 8. 99% of the time nursing to sleep.

What I would give to have him sleep through the night! We cosleep, and he wakes anywhere from 4x/night (on a good night), to upwards of 12x/night. I’m really struggling! Tried night weaning at 11 months, and it was a disaster, so I’m waiting until around 17/18 months to reevaluate our readiness for it. However, I’ve read that for a lot of people their kids’ sleep didn’t improve for several months after night weaning, but sort of just solved on its own? Idk, any advice would be appreciated!
@headheart 15 months old.

Bedtime: ~ 8:30
Wakes at least twice before midnight for nursing.
If we’re lucky, sleep from midnight till 6 am for a nurse and a diaper change.
Wake up: ~7:30
Nap: 12:30, I have to nurse once or twice during the nap though.
@headheart My 15 month old goes to sleep (nurses to sleep) at 730 or 8, and sleeps about 11 hours. About half the time she sleeps through, and about half the time she wakes up and needs help going back to sleep (often in the early morning ). She then typically takes two naps, one at 10 and one at 230 for about an hour each time.
@headheart Mine started to STTN regularly (call it 5 nights out of 7 in a week) shortly before 18 months when we night weaned.

He's now 20 months and generally goes to bed around 8, wakes up between 6 and 6:30am, and naps like 12-2
@headheart 17 month old here. Has never slept through the night. Bedtime 7:30/8 and wake up 6:30 no matter the bedtime. Naps have been weird but a “good” nap day is from 11:30-1. Hoping our nighttime sleep improves at some point! Nothing I try changes anything.