What do you class as sleeping through the night?

@muddleglum This is great if you don’t wake up 15 times to adjust the boob and the baby and so on. If you don’t wake up from back pain and hip pain cause you can’t change positions and so on. Baby sleeping through the night only matters if MOM can sleep through the night. This is not my experience with nursing non stop.
@muddleglum Yes we dreamfeed while cosleeping. I barely wake up and baby stays fully asleep. She slept 7 hours like this on day 2 and has been a solid sleeper since.

I consider STTN as baby doesn’t move from the spot you put them, like if she doesn’t need me to get her out of bed to rock her to resettle. If she stirs in the night and needs to nurse or a night ninja diaper change, I don’t count that as a wake window. Sometimes she’ll even have an actual wake windows but be content to lay in bed and babble next to me as I doze, and then falls asleep on her own. Of course cosleeping makes this all much easier w dreamfeeding. If you had to pickup a baby from a crib/bassinet to nurse them then they’re likely to wake up.
@dominga This is nuts to me. Diaper changes and feeding all night sounds like a sleepless night for me. Not a proud “baby is sleeping through the night” moment.
@wolfgang85 Oh I’ve been plenty rested all thru the newborn stage and we are at 4 months now! I was prepared for major sleep deprivation but that was not my experience at all. In fact I’ve never taken so many naps! I still nurse or change her a couple times a night and I barely notice it.
@sass I agree with you. To me it means going to sleep at bedtime and not needing me to do anything until wake time. My son still wakes up at night a time or two for 10 minutes or so and kind of grumbles as he puts himself back to sleep but since I don’t need to get up I “count” it. People have vastly different definitions though.

Edit: my son is now 11 months old and sleeps through by my definition most of the time now. This only started a month or so ago and he was far from it before. We sleep trained at 4 months but had to work with a number of experts to get things figured out.
@solomonhall201 It’s reassuring to hear it took until 2 with your first. At 13mo, mine still has one feed during the night and it feels like sleeping through the night is never going to happen.

Of course I’m hoping for earlier than 2, but reassuring to know just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it never will!
@cavwda Mine is almost 2 and doesn't sleep through the night most nights. I think it's happened maybe 5 times in total and all in the last couple months.
@cavwda I night wean my first at 18 months because I was pregnant and that’s when sleeping through started. Inconsistent at first now at a bit past 2 she almost always sleeps through 8:30p-8am with an occasional need for a cuddle between before midnight.
@cavwda My doctor has been happy for me to night wean mine after their 1 year checkup.

There are three methods: replace milk with water, taper down and cold turkey.
- replace milk with water - kind of self explanatory, the theory is that with nothing to digest they stop waking. Did not work at all for my elder child, it was the sucking he wanted.
- taper down - either by volume (bottles) or by time (breast), or cut one feed at a time until there are none. Looks like this one is working with my younger kid.
- cold turkey - was all that worked for the elder, for three nights he screamed no matter how much we rocked him, for two nights he fussed but could be soothed and he's been basically fine ever since.