What Cheerios-like cereal are you feeding your baby?

@eugen We use black pudding for that. It comes ready made, just needs to be sliced and fried in a pan (or not even sliced if you buy pre-sliced). Delicious and shock full of heme iron.

It's not something you can store in a cupboard for months and then pour directly in a bowl, though, so it's unfortunately not a satisfactory answer to OP's question. But in terms of iron rich foods, it's pretty much the best one there is.
@kterry He really enjoys little pincer grasp snacks. I used to give him baby puffs that dissolved, but he’s ready for the harder texture of O’s now. They’re not an everyday food for us, we do lots of other snacks too.
@playthelyric After she was 1 - these because although they have cane sugar I felt like the other ingredients were so much better than any other cereal that I didn’t mind and could accept it. Shes 2.5 now and still loves them! She also likes the heritage flakes now!
@playthelyric We don’t. Mostly because we don’t really eat cereal.

We did a lot more messy foods. Rice, pasta, yogurt, oatmeal, blueberries (defrosted frozen, avocado, etc.