Formula Feeding

@emann With my first I breastfed, and felt like a failure. I felt like I wasn’t giving him enough, like he wasn’t gaining weight fast enough. With my second I am giving both breast milk and formula, and I still feel guilty.

I think guilt is a mom thing bc we care so much about how are babies are doing. Please know that you love your baby so much and are doing an amazing job. Your baby has a close connection with you, and this connection doesn’t come from breastfeeding - you are this baby’s whole world and they love you for it!

As long as your baby is fed, and you and your pediatrician are comfortable with your babies growth, then all is good!

You are doing great! You got this!

@emann Feeling guilt is a natural thing that can happen, especially with hormones, but please know it’s just your own mind playing games with you. Your baby will be JUST as healthy and happy with formula.
@emann You’re doing great.

Breast milk is not magic, and formula is a remarkable scientific achievement that has saved the lives of millions of babies. People who act like formula is bad or lesser are self-righteous, ignorant, and infuriating.

With formula, you always know exactly how much the baby is getting and formula-fed babies sleep through the night better (on average). Sleep is really important for brain development, too! Just because breast milk has some (debatable) small benefits doesn’t mean formula doesn’t have some other, different benefits of its own.

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