"So WhEn ArE yOu MoViNg HeR tO cErEaL?"

@annlei It was! My mother has asked a couple times about when are we starting cereal. She about clutched (nonexistent) pearls when I told her we weren't doing that.

Plus, my daughter won't take a bottle AT ALL. What would I be doing or adding it to? In my case, why not just do yummy veggies and fruits instead of bland cereal?
@annlei Especially with breastfeeding, nowadays we are told to feed on demand but in the 90s parents were encouraged to put them on a schedule right away for everything. Babies may have been hungrier because parents weren’t feeding on demand or in tune to babies hunger cues as much.

My son is 5 months old and when I’m nursing I tend to feed him every 2.5 hours or so because that’s when he tends to start showing some hunger cues. Sometimes he can go longer and sometimes shorter but that’s what it averages to. My older relatives think I’m nuts for feeding him so often during the day but he’s a snacker and that’s how he likes to nurse 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t like going more than 2.5 hours without food either!
@finnianvk My mom everyday would tell him “and soon you’ll be able to eat cereal!!” He’s 11 weeks and she swore he’ll be eating cereal by 3 months. I had to tell her they don’t recommend anything besides milk until 6-8 months and she was so disappointed. “Well you guys ate cereal at 3 months” maybe that’s the reason for my digestive issues lol
@finnianvk Definitely notice. Last night my father in law was visiting and one of his first questions was “are you still breastfeeding? When do you plan to stop”

So I said “yup, sure am. The WHO recommends breastfeeding till 2 and beyond”
Then I took the opportunity to share some fascinating BF facts because I know he has 0 experience with BF. my MIL formula fed and my SIL also EFF.

So I said “did you know that a babies saliva communicates with my body to create the molecular structure of my breastmilk based on what specific things my baby needs? Customizable food courtesy of baby saliva and breastmilk, cool right?”

He was astonished and was like “that’s absolutely fascinating! Very good then!”
@finnianvk My baby is actually allergic to most rice cereal. Not fun to find out. It either put an end to the conversation right away or I had people straight up questioning how my child was allergic...
@pinkflower89 My daughter is gluten intolerant.(angry tummy symptoms, not an allergy) I can't give her wheat cereal. Learning to eat gluten free myself has been an adventure.

There's a chance she will grow out of it after the 6month growth spurt. I'm both looking forward to and dreading the day we test her with a bite or 2 of it.
@finnianvk MIL - All of my kids were on rice cereal in their bottles at 3 months! Since yours is so little, you should do the same to fatten him up!!

Me - 🙄🤨

MIL - I'm going to get him a high chair!! It's time for him to start oatmeal!!

Me - ....he can't even sit up on his own yet... he isn't ready for a high chair. We aren't starting him on purees until he's at least 6 months old.

MIL - I can't believe 6 months is the new recommendation!!

MIL - So when are you going to give him rice cereal?

Me - 🫠🤦🏻‍♀️

MIL - Since he's grabbing your coffee cup, that means he's ready for a sippy cup!!!

Me - no... he's just interested in what mommy and daddy has... he chokes on his bottles. He doesn't need a sippy cup.

MIL - I'll order one when I buy his high chair!!

Me - 🙃🙃🙃
@finnianvk My MILs friend came for thanksgiving and kept demanding I do certain things with my baby, including cereal before bed so “she’d sleep through the night” and ARGUED with me that she was old enough (she’s 5 months and only has soft fruits and veggies as snack supplements for development and teething, but that’s beside the point). Made me so POd bc when she’d demand something it was usually as I was trying to put her to bed and she’d always say I needed to have a schedule (I do, just not one SHE approved of) and would wind up waking her up, then would spew a bunch of bs about what I was doing wrong while simultaneously “complimenting” me by saying I have the patience of a saint.
@finnianvk I have been getting “questions” when LO turned about 2 months! Water, banana, even honey (once— that I shut down pretty quickly). My LO is almost 4 months now and friends and families kept asking when we’re going to start him on “fruit purées”.

I always just laugh it off and says that boob is the only thing he is getting and love right now ☺️💕
@finnianvk My MIL’s favourite thing to tell me is that I have a very hungry baby and to ask “When will you be starting her on baby rice/porridge?” She also asks my husband the same stuff when I’m not there even though I’ve told her at least 3 times now 6 months and no sooner.

She’s always disappointed when she hears 6 months and reacts with.. “Oh not sooner? She’s a hungry baby!” It’s like she’s trying to pressure me into starting solids sooner … em… no. My baby, and I will be following the guidance!

I genuinely think the older generations think a crying baby needs a bottle shoved in its mouth!

Dear MIL, just because my baby cries when she’s with you does not mean she’s hungry. There are many reasons why she cries!