What are your plans for Mother’s Day?

@pzero39 This is it!!!!! Every year for Mother’s Day I go outside and plant all my outdoor flowers and herbs. It’s been my tradition for the past 6 years! My older two kids run around and help out here and there and this year I have a 7 month old who I’ll put outside in her activity seat under an umbrella. Honestly, I can’t wait lol.
@rachellee Me too. A few days before I shop for plants. I don’t make any meals or do any discipline. Kids are free to hang out, but I will not cater to them whatsoever. We usually do a picnic lunch at a nearby pretty spot you can bike to. Last year my kids wanted to make me breakfast in bed and they’re old enough to do that so it was cute.

But basically ever since the first couple years, I just don’t parent on Mother’s Day. Somebody rude can do the mental and emotional load that day. It ain’t me.
@pzero39 Same here! Every year I get asked what I want and it’s always “time alone in my garden to finish setting it up for the season!”

We usually go to church, then a diner around the corner, then I garden until dinner (which is usually either Chinese take out or something my husband makes special for me, like barbecuing steaks)
@barry61 We recently bought a property on a lake, so I'm really hoping for good weather and plan to host my family; get some crabs (we grew up in Maryland), let the kids swim, kayak, fish and have good outdoor fun that I'll put all the dads and uncles in charge of.

We lost my oldest brother in September, and I know it's going to be a really difficult day to "celebrate" for my mom and for his wife & kids. Crabs are my SIL's favorite, and being together is my mom's favorite, so I'm just trying to show up for them this year honestly.

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