What are your plans for Mother’s Day?

@brucepjr Wow I don't think I could possibly take them to a restaurant by myself (barely even with other people) but that sounds amazing! They're 2 and 3 and bounce off the walls crazy.
@barry61 So I’m a lesbian and I get Father’s Day while my wife gets Mother’s Day. She’s a goofy, spooky lady and during Covid shutdown bought all the stuff to go ghost hunting, but has never had a chance to use it. (I won’t let her do it in/near the house and we had a baby shortly after she got it all). So I got a babysitter for Saturday night and I’m taking her ghost hunting. Might pee my pants - we’ll see.

Sunday itself she’ll get to sleep in, breakfast in bed and however much time she wants to herself.
@lost1998 Yeah, I don’t necessarily believe in ghosts but I also don’t not believe in them. I just prefer not to know and no way in hell do I need to be thinking my house is haunted. I get too little sleep as it is already.
@barry61 My husband is deployed so my lay in bed and not be present day won’t be happening, but he’s going to have a coffee delivered to me so I don’t have to make one or go out and buy one myself lol. I might take the toddler to lunch or something, or maybe I’ll just order sushi in that night. The one nice thing about living away from family (thanks to my husbands job) is I don’t gotta spend the whole day trying to do things for our moms, I can focus on me and my wants as a mom in the trenches (most years anyways maybe not this year since I’m solo parenting lol)
@barry61 Mmm, my opinion is that it's not like a birthday in that I get to pick a present and a thing to do; it's more like an appreciation day, so it's kinda up to my husband (and one day my child(ren)). I mean, don't get me wrong; I'm not lifting a damn finger that isn't necessary on the day itself, but I'm not planning things for myself.
@barry61 Going to a minor league baseball game with my husband and 4 yo and 1yo. Going has always been one of our favorite things to do as a couple and I’m excited to go as a family.
@barry61 Still trying to decide what to do. I'm thinking maybe a trip to the zoo. I had wanted to take a cooking class but the class I wanted was all booked up for the weekend.
@barry61 I’m buying plants and hoping to get the rest of my garden in. My husband has 2 more raised beds to build me and we need to snag my fil’s truck for a load of free compost to fill my containers with. My county offers free compost so I just buy a couple bags of garden soil to mix in for a super cheap way to grow my garden.
@barry61 I honestly think it’ll just be a normal day for us, we have no plans and my husband doesn’t even know when Mother’s Day is I don’t believe (he’s away for work right now so very busy) He gets home the weekend of Mother’s Day so I doubt we’ll do much. But at least he’ll be back home!
@barry61 I think I might go to a coffee shop and read a book in a comfy chair! That, or set up my hammock in the backyard and read there. The weather just warmed up in my area and I'm itching to spend time outdoors.
@barry61 Not sure. I know we're going to lunch with my in-laws. Other than that my husband and I were talking about it yesterday and he didn't even know it was next weekend 🤷🏻‍♀️
@barry61 We go to my grandmas. My whole family is there, parents, aunts, uncles, etc. The weekend after we go to my MILs to celebrate with them and I get two Mother’s Day ☺️