What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

@shiney77 They can be pricey but I’ve seen indoor wooden play sets that are kind of like a pikler on steroids with a swing and slide and stuff (cost way is a brand I know makes them, I’ve also seen some on Etsy)
@dbaileys ah my friend has something like that in her basement, but what she has is huge and we don’t really have a dedicated play space (it’s the living room). i guess i need to think about space more…
@robertharris My kids are about the same age as yours and here is what I'm putting on my list. I won't get them all of this, but I keep most of it on a wishlist so if someone asks me what they want, I can share some ideas with them.

For my 5 year old:
For my 3 year old:
My kids have also enjoyed Connetix and the Gathre Arch.