What are the most common unsolicited comments you receive when out with multiples?

@nihal “Do twins run in your family?” No, they fly, actually.

I’ve learned to just say no and not get into our whole infertility story that led us here, but seriously, can people stop asking about how twins were conceived??
@nihal Older lady at Costco to me ( dad) with them aged about 5 months but looking new born…

“ awe amazing and beautiful… I had twins was the best and worst time of my life”

Awkward smile then my wife comes back with some groceries and the woman steadies herself and says “ you can’t be the mother! You look amazing! That’s incredible! Congratulations!”

My wife smiled and looked less exhausted and happy… the old lady winked at me out of sight and walked away.
@inquisitivesoul Shortly after my wife had given birth to our girls a few years back one of the neighbours told my wife she looked frightful. Still hasn’t forgotten that, don’t think she’ll ever forgive her for it.
@nihal “They are so cute. You must get stopped a lot” Yes. I do. Exactly like you’re doing just now. I’d love to walk around a store without getting stopped 100 times.
@jennybee This. I went to Costco the other day, I carried one, husband carried the other and people circled multiple times like sharks just to comment! So weird
@sandrachenlau My new reply to “are they triplets!?” Nope! Those two are twins and that’s their sister. Smh. People are nuts!! Or they will literally look at all three which are in matching outfits and ask if they are twins.
@nihal Oh my god. Some grandparents said this while they were walking with their two grandchildren (a year age difference) in their stroller.

Whilst I, at that exact moment, was trying to get both my boys up from the ground because they didn’t want to hold my hand. Ugh. Shut up. These kids are awesome, don’t talk about them that way. They are not ‘you’ve got your hands full’. They are my joy and pride, the sweetest and kindest kids in the universe.
@nihal “Two boys??” (I have a boy/girl but sometimes match them or they are both wearing something that isn’t pink or purple) NO MY DAUGHTER CAN WEAR A RED T SHIRT TOO!
@nihal I’m still pregnant but when I say its two girls someone said “are you completely sure?” Are you going to try for a boy? Like why can’t I just have two girls and be done? Why do I have to try for a boy? Are they gonna pay the bills for another kid? Some people…
@katrina2017 I have an older daughter and am pregnant with twin girls and people keep doing this to me. My husband has had two people tell him “You’re going to spend a fortune on pads and tampons when they’re older!” 🤢
@needingpeace People need to stay in their lane. I also got send a money gif making fun of it saying “girls are expensive!” Uhhhh ok so they haven’t even been born and you’re already assuming stuff about how they’re going to be
@nihal Double trouble
Hands full
Are they natural

That last one isn't advice but it's along the same lines lol. I also recently had a twin mom(didn't know it at the time) eye me and finally as she walked past she said "my twins are thirty.... Oh wait... You don't have twins"
(I guess the only option for twins is identical 😅😅) to which I told her they were fraternal. Then it was okay for her to carry on with her comment and day
@nihal “Are they twins?”

Yes they have the same face and are the same height. Why do you need to know, does it make them cuter or something? Just think they’re cute from a distance and let me choose some oranges.

The only time I’m cool with it is when it’s followed up by “I have twins” or “I have a twin.” Then I’m like, cool, let’s chat.
@nihal “which one is older?”, “were you taking fertility drugs or were they natural?”, “double trouble!”, “you have your hands full”, “are they twins?” (especially irritating when they were infants and it’s quite obvious they are the same exact age), “do twins run in your family?”, “were they a surprise?”, “better you than me!” (😡), [insert statement about all the twins they know], and my personal favorite when they were babies and both dressed in all pink “that one’s the boy, and that one’s the girl, right?”
@nihal People lose their minds when I say yes mine are in fact identical. Like somehow that's more entertaining to them? I don't know why people care so much whether or not they are identical