What’s the best option for baby wearing after a c-section?


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Had a c-section with my first and wasn’t able to baby wear with my structured carrier due to pressure pushing down on my belly. This time I bought a ring sling to try in case I need to have another c-section.

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@snoweh I think this depends at least a little on how tall you are. I’m 5’6” and all torso haha, I have to buy petite pants because my legs are so short. Anyway I didn’t have any trouble wearing my baby in a K’tan (which fits very similar to a wrap like a Moby) after my c section. He was up on my chest and not near my uterus area at all. I would think any type of carrier with no waistband would work the same! But again, might depend on your body
@snoweh I tried a stretchy wrap and a ring sling after my C-section and no C-section related problems with either. I found the wrap way easier to use though that may have been because I only had two really non-standard hand-me-down ring slings. I think a woven wrap would be even better than a stretchy wrap (more options in case you want to wear it a different way). SSCs I'd think would depend on the particular model and how it fits you.

Edit: a word