@sf111 Even then, speaking as a dad with ADHD, I have to put several checks and balances in place to not waste my time on screens or hyperfocus on other activities. After a long workday when my meds are wearing off I don't have enough energy left, and I literally cannot just sit on the phone for 10 minutes and then make myself go about my day. If I'm unmedicated I can do that only when I'm not stressed, when I've gotten a good nights sleep, when I've been exercising regularly and I haven't been thrown off my routine. If one of those things fall by the wayside I'm dependant on having my environment adjusted to still be able to function as I want.
I have to do things like leave my phone on the hallway counter when I get home to be present with my son, not sit down on the sofa before having done the dishes for the evening, tell my family that if they see me sitting on my phone they have permission to take it from me and remind me to do something else.
I have to do things like leave my phone on the hallway counter when I get home to be present with my son, not sit down on the sofa before having done the dishes for the evening, tell my family that if they see me sitting on my phone they have permission to take it from me and remind me to do something else.