(Update) DHS Left A Card on My Door? (X-post from /r/Parenting

@robert244 OP, I am so sorry. How horrible of a life do you have to have to think such things about another person without real proof. I'm glad you are planning to move.
@rine I have a lot of things to figure out so that we will be able to, but... knowing that someone can make these kinds of claims and pretend to be a friend to my face terrifies me.
@robert244 Almost the same thing happened to me and my ex husband. They called his first shirt (military) instead of child services but still. My dog had a litter of puppies unexpectedly (babysitter let her out with the neighbors male dog) before I had the money for spaying (was just waiting on tax return). She had eight freaking puppies..in a two bedroom apartment. I had baby gates up and kept them in the kitchen for the tile floors and had the balcony attached ( second floor).

When cleaning up their messes each morning at about 5 weeks old when mom stopped doing it herself, I'd open the patio and let them play on it while cleaning the nights mess while kiddo was watching Elmo's world. It was a daily routine. My neighbor from literally the building next door said when walking their dog they could smell that my house was covered in feces. Supposedly they told the shirt they had been in my house and saw feces smeared on the walls and floor, that my daughter was covered in filth and not taken care of. And my pets were neglected. I was livid. They had never even been in our house.

We of course did a deep clean but didn't have to do much. Just rented a carpet cleaner to get toddler stains out of the carpet and wiped everything down with Clorox spray. Basically they said they could tell we cleaned ( well duh) but that they could tell it wasn't bad to begin with and I just explained the puppy situation. Just doing my best with the hand dealt. So luckily nothing ever came of it. Basically they were checking before calling child services if needed....giving their troops the benefit of the doubt first.

So stressful though over stupid neighbors we thought were friends. Oh and those so concerned with animals...that winter they kept leaving their dog on the patio in freezing temps for hours on end. Guess who returned the favor by calling animal services ;)
@elery That's crazy. I guess I just can't seem to wrap my head around why if someone who is supposedly my friend thinks that I'm raising my daughter in filth can't just knock on the door and ask me about it?
@robert244 I’m sure they don’t honestly think that. People can get worked up over the smallest slight. They think calling DFS is justice in their small, crooked world. Keep the people you already trust close and forget the rest. Don’t let the bastards grind you down!
@kelsmg2012 Realistically, if they did think that, it's incredibly easy to prove that they are wrong. And instead, I'm hardly sleeping worrying about making sure that everything is perfect and scared that I'll end up losing my daughter somehow.
@robert244 right?! We were so mad and blindsided. It messed with my ex husband really bad. Not sure he was ever the same after that. Got super neurotic about cleaning and it caused a lot of fights. He was so embarrassed at work too.

Some people out there are just terrible. But even if they thought they smelled something, why make up more shit? Wouldn't have been saying "we smelled dog poop: had been enough? They had to exaggerate and outright lie that they had been in our house and made more up? Like what was the point?
@elery That's crazy. I definitely feel embarrassed about this as well, even though I know that it isn't true. I'm worried that even this happening and being considered unfounded and being closed is enough to be used against me by my daughters father somehow.
@dwarfjuggler I mean, I didn't think so either. I also didn't think that the entire complex not seeing you walking your dogs since you're obscured by a freaking building doesn't mean that you're not walking them, but here we are. I don't know what to make of any of this.
@roarke When it's warm out, we take them on walks around the block in the evenings. When it's cold out, I have to practically force the pups outside and to the grass to go to the bathroom. They hate cold weather (don't blame them there) and they do their business pretty quickly to get back inside. Maybe that's what it is? I take them out every hour or hour and a half, more if they seem to need to go, but they still tend to hurry and go so that they can go back inside quickly.
@dwarfjuggler ACTUALLY YOU’RE A GREAT MOM, because you are choosing not to expose her to secondhand smoke and going outside instead! Does anyone remember the 80’s and 90’s? We were in a cloud everywhere we went when we were kids. Jesus Cracker, people really, really suck.
@nicolie435 I remember !!!

I remember being driven to religious classes on a Wednesday by my grandfather who didn’t even crack the window more than a centimetre when he smoked in the car. I was like 8.
@robert244 My neighbour complained to the realestate (we are renting a townhouse ) twice about our daughter crying. When I spoke to the neighbour she basically accused me of neglecting my child and leaving her to cry. Of course the second compliant was after we asked them to turn their music down at 1am. Some people are just horrible like that, I can’t blame you for planning to move we are as well (as soon as we can get the funds together. We love the place, the owners and the realestate who have all been wonderful but living next door to these people is way to stressful).