(Update) DHS Left A Card on My Door? (X-post from /r/Parenting

@robert244 The same person woulddv'e probably called on you had your daughter been playing outside, probably "she's never supervised!" What a waste of DHS's time and resources that could have gone to help a child truly in need. I hope whomever falsely reported you faces some sort of repercussions.
@heather12 I doubt that happens. So I'm just going to spend this week making sure that everything that I have any control over at all in my apartment is in tip top shape for when she decides to come do the walk through.
@samej I have no idea. My dogs will bark for a few minutes when I first leave (I've tested this) but then they're generally really quiet unless someone comes to the door while I'm gone.
Small Update

Just got off of the phone with the owner of kiddo's daycare. She confirmed what kiddo's teacher told me this morning that the school would never call the daycare about anything at all. Neighbor lied.
@robert244 I knew it!!! (previous comment)

For some reason I have spent a lot of time thinking about your post. Why did she invent all of these weird scenarios in her head about what you are and are not doing? Why did she come up with elaborate lie to tell you that your child was "smelly".

Here's my current theory - her grandson has been telling her stuff about your daughter. At daycare, your daughter and him are talking and you know kids - the line between fact and fiction can get kinda blurry; especially if your audience is really interested in the "bad" stuff. So she is stretching the truth a bit when she talks about what you do. Then he stretches the truth even more when talking to Grandma. And then Grandma takes it to the extreme. So by the time she calls CPS, mom popping out for a 5 minutes smoke becomes hours spent on the porch ripping bong hits and drinking vodka straight from the bottle.

That's my theory at least.
@robert244 Don't stress too much about this being used in court against you. Anyone who is familiar with CPS (especially family court judges) KNOW that there plenty of loony toons complaints lodged against people. They know when something is just a case of "crazy neighbor" syndrome.
@robert244 People suck. We had some busybody call CPS and tell them I let my 6 month old baby run around in the street. He wasn’t capable of walking at 6 months old!!! They did a walkthrough, said everything was fine, and closed the case.

The reality of what happened: I was outside playing with my kids, my 3 year old and 6 month old. I had him on a blanket on the grass and he crawled off a couple of times. Mind you, our front yard was huge. We had the biggest (corner) lot in the neighborhood. My 3 year old went on the sidewalk to ride his scooter. Apparently, that was them ‘playing in the road’.
@katrina2017 What the hell. Even if they were playing in the road, didn't most of us grow up doing that? As long as there is supervision, which there obviously was, and it's not some busy road, I don't see the issue.
@robert244 Let me pokerface this by saying my ex, and his family, were horrible. After I finally got my daughter and myself out, they started in on allegations of child abuse, and saying my child was being sexually abused. Nothing could have been farther from the truth. There a whole huge, long story that goes with this, but I'll keep it short.

I was terrified. I liven across the country from family and I had no friends. It was just me, trying to protect myself and my kiddo.

Cps came, and they left, and the case was closed. I did try and clean a bit extra, but because I was renting one room from a lady who had her 7 grandchildren over constantly, there was only so much I could do.

The situation you have found yourself in sucks. That's just the way it is. Personally, I would t to move not only apartments but also daycare. If you can't do that, here's what I did. Get your daughter in to see a therapist who specializes in children. They are also mandated reporters. The last I took my kiddo to was actually a level two child abuse investigator when she worked for the military. She became my biggest ally when my ex kept taking me to court to try to get custody.

I wish you all the best