(Update) DHS Left A Card on My Door? (X-post from /r/Parenting

@lia1234 I was just informed by my neighbor, whose grandson goes to the same daycare as my daughter, that she was told last week by the owner of the daycare that supposedly her elementary school called them. Supposedly she "smelled funny."

The neighbor that was told this is not related to us at all. So apparently they're just telling everybody but me about things that supposedly are said about my daughter.

What do I even do with this?!
@robert244 That sounds super sketchy. Why would daycare know about the school calling DHS? Why would they tell your neighbour? Either there's a staggering lack of professionalism going on or I'm thinking this is the neighbour, for one reason or another. Maybe they're a bit unstable.
@blondebattleaxe I don't know that the school is who called. I'm still leaning towards neighbor just by things said in the report. But the fact that the owner of the freaking daycare told my neighbor this at the beginning of last week and all of this magically happened... I don't know.
@robert244 Were you talking to the neighbor about the CPS call? Maybe it was her and she was trying to couch it in "this is what I heard" instead of what actually happened.
@robert244 Oh yeah - she's the one that called. "The elementary school called the day care to report that the child smelled funny and then the daycare told some other random grandmother about it"?!?!?! That just doesn't happen.

She completely made that up. But the question is why? What is she really trying to tell you? She's somehow decided that you are "unfit" and is retrofitting things she has seen you do (or not do) to fit this idea, but what's up with telling you your daughter is "smelly"?

This is so bizarre...
@robert244 Do you know that the owner of the daycare told her this or that the neighbor says the owner of the daycare told her this? Because if it's the latter, then it all hinges together on the neighbor.
@magazine1 I'll be finding out today for sure. Because if the owner of the daycare is in fact saying these things to people about me and my daughter, then she will never see me or my daughter again.
@magazine1 I posted a small update so far this morning. Basically the neighbor lied about the elementary school calling the daycare and the owner telling her. The school isn't to call the daycare about pretty much anything and the owner of the daycare is now highly mad that she's being lied about in all of this.
@mugen No, apparently/supposedly someone at her elementary school called the daycare (one of the pre-k workers is close friends with the owner of the daycare) and that was apparently said, then the owner of the daycare randomly just told my neighbor that last week when she picked up her grandkid.