(Update) DHS Left A Card on My Door? (X-post from /r/Parenting

@mugen I have no idea how I'd even go about doing that. I can't imagine why the owner of the daycare (whom I have known since we were like 15) would just do that. If she's said it to my neighbor, who else has she said it to?
@robert244 I doubt there was ever a call from the school to the daycare. I also dont think the owner of the daycare said anything to your neighbour. Your neighbor doesn't like you, or your dogs for some reason and is trying to get you to get rid of them by making you paranoid about your kid's hygiene. That didn't work, so she called CPS.
@kelinca It's hard to not be scared when my daughter is the only thing that I have. She is everything to me. She is all I have in the world and this is something really serious. This can (and will likely) be used against me by her father, even if they do the walk through and everything is perfect. There will still be a record.
@olisa I appreciate your words more than I can explain. I'm hoping that this is a one time thing because this is stressing me out so, so bad. I can't imagine 7 times in 10 years. That sounds horrific.
@heart4youth I'm calling her today. Because if she did in fact say those things to someone, that's not the first time she's bad mouthed me and my daughter to someone. Just the first time I've heard about it.
@robert244 You can call the state. Daycares should NOT be disclosing any kind of information to anyone but you and family members. I know you’ve known this person but you can report the situation to Child Care Services. You’d be smart to include the school, too. This is a cluster fuck. They shouldn’t be putting all this BS on you and your family because you didn’t do laundry well one week. Like damn. “She smells so her house must be filled with poop!” 🙄🙄🙄
@nocrammingonafarm What I don't get is that I do laundry every single week. Everything that she wears has been washed and put up/hung up. My apartment smells like honeysuckle from the wax melts I've had going for several weeks because I'm addicted to them. There's no way my kid smelled bad, and that's what I don't get.
@robert244 This has gotta be some petty shade. Seriously, someone is being unprofessional as fuck or one of your neighbors is literally the worst.

Ugh sorry to be so negative, I know you don’t need it, but I’m super mad at this random stranger. I’m so sorry for all the grief you’re getting!
@nocrammingonafarm I just want the bad luck to stop and me get things back in order and just raise my kid. I haven't questioned my parenting her entire life until now.

I don't get why this is happening. It's frustrating and it's scary as hell.
@robert244 That is seriously the most bizarre thing ever! I understand teachers are mandatory reporters but I feel like if someone smelled like pee (not saying your family does!). I feel like a first step would be to ask the parent to make sure it’s not a medical issue and then maybe a hygiene issue? Like have a meeting? Sorry if I’m way off base I just feel confused about it all!
@roarke Elementary school (pre-k) and then after school care at daycare. As for who called... I still think a neighbor, but... I'm not so sure anymore.
@lia1234 I even asked the neighbor that this was said to, who has been around my daughter in her own vehicle and in her own apartment many times, and she flat out told that she's never smelt funny. Never, not once.