Unvaccinated Nanny

@lauriesinglemom I would be more concerned about the other vaccines as well. If she is against the COVID vaccine it is not absolutely wrong to assume that she might be against the other vaccines as well. I would ask about TDAP, measles, flu etc as well.
@lauriesinglemom A lot of people in here are downplaying COVID but ignoring that you said in your post you spent a week in hospital and that your twins were premature.

A peer reviewed study this year shows that being vaccinated also in fact reduces transmission by up to 55%: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02138-x

Being vaccinated not only substantially affects transmission & infection rates but also affects how symptomatic you are, how likely you are to be hospitalised and how likely you are to die.

You now have an almost 1 in 2 chance of being readmitted into hospital having been hospitalised before: https://www.scientificamerican.com/...ase-the-risk-of-severe-disease-or-long-covid/

Long COVID is also very real and the only way to protect yourself, your spouse and your children from potential lifelong disability is not contracting it.

Even if you are purely selfish here (and I’m not suggesting you are or should be), she’s far more likely to be sick enough to need a lot of time off work if she does get it, forcing you to try and find other costly care at the last minute.

How would you feel in future if, knowing she was unvaccinated, and seemingly unconcerned about the impacts she could have on your family, she disregarded her symptoms and contacts and put you or your kids in the hospital again?

Honestly, it seems important to you and with good reason. Losing good care is a shame but losing care from someone who doesn’t truly care for your family, doesn’t listen to your concerns, doesn’t share your values and dodges questions about those issues is not.

ETA: I incorrectly stated COVID transmission was not substantially different between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. This was incorrect (see second para)
I would also check your contract with the agency and its advertised services - if they promised you they would check for/verify vaccination status and didn’t, they should be willing to bear any costs and inconvenience of finding you a new nanny who does meet those standards.

Assume you live in the US but in Australia under our consumer law that would more than likely be considered a “major failure” of a service (ie a problem significant enough that if you knew about it, you would not have engaged them or bought a product). Major failures are grounds for you to get either a refund or replacement from them at your discretion.
@lauriesinglemom This would be a deal breaker for me. This is a demonstration of either poor judgement/scheduling or purposeful negligence on her part. I would also wonder how exactly this was missed in her check. Did the agency miss it or did she misrepresent her vaccination status? Personally I would have difficulty trusting her with my vulnerable child.
@lauriesinglemom Call the agency back.You are the client, you have a choice in this.I had worked thru covid and my husband got covid when my baby was 2 months. I understand your fear.
@lauriesinglemom Uh boy. I'll sound like a typical facebook mum to this but.. that's a red flag.

Background checks?

Is there other agencies in your area? Preferably healthcare adjacent too.. (like hire nurses and whatnot too)

I work in one (agency) nd the amount of checks we have to go thru and every year are massive from cpr,maskfit vaccines,vulnerable people checks (canada elder or child abuse) are pain but its there too protect people.

I hope you can find one OP. Find that unicorn!
@lauriesinglemom The idea that it will be much harder to find someone with that criteria is nonsense. They just don’t want to.

When we posted our nanny position like 90% of the applicants were fully vaccinated. You absolutely can find a nanny who is
@lauriesinglemom Well of course you have to decide for yourselves if the benefit of having childcare at all outweighs the risks of an unvaccinated nanny…

But to me, personally, not getting the Covid vaccine (and not having a valid reason for this) implies many other things. Like, being against many or all other vaccines. not being science-oriented, and probably some political tendencies that I personally wouldn’t like around my children.
@alienandpilgrim Before Covid, this was my concern around a potential nanny that didn’t take the flu vaccine, possibly tdap, and just didn’t have a great reason why other than some hand wave about pharmaceuticals. Makes me wonder about other judgement, in the end my daughter just straight up didn’t like the lady anyway, even at 4-5 months my daughter did NOT like something about her so it was moot anyway.
@alienandpilgrim Yeah, I’m willing to have my kids around my unvaccinated extended family, because the increased risks aren’t substantial and it’s worth it to me to build certain relationships for my kids.

BUT I’ve insisted on a fully vaccinated nanny because I’m looking for someone who shares my parenting approach and values more broadly. There are so many choices my nanny makes every day with respect to my childrens’ care that I just have to trust her to make, and knowing that we’re aligned big picture allows that trust.
@crossbearer007 Have you ever had an anti-body test?

It's certainly possible to be true, but you're in such a high-risk environment full of the worst little disease-spreaders possible that it seems so unlikely! Did you regularly wear a high quality mask?

With COVID (and other diseases) it's possible to have been infected but have no symptoms (asymptomatic). I guess you were doing regular PCR tests at the time and never saw a positive one?