Unvaccinated Nanny

@peter2 No disagreement from me, although I feel like I end up getting other vaccines as an adult every once in a while and some regularly (e.g. flu).
@lauriesinglemom Everyone has different thresholds here. We ask in interviews about willingness to get boosters etc. She may refuse to get the booster but if it’s important to you it’s also ok to go back to the agency for a replacement.
@lauriesinglemom I'm a nanny and I'm constantly surprised at the number of nannies that don't have the COVID vaccine. And let me tell you, those nannies know exactly what they are doing. If it's important to you, which you are very valid in having the important to you, and find a different nanny. I would also give your feedback to the agency!!!!
@lauriesinglemom I have learned the lesson the hard way that agencies aren't always perfect, they don't always teach parents everything they need to know to employ nannies, and they don't always advocate correctly for either party. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I've worked with four agencies and had to fire three of them!
@lauriesinglemom Did she seem willing to get vaccinated? "I just never did" doesn't exactly sound anti vaxx. But it sounds like COVID could pose quite the risk to your family.

If she's not willing, I would maybe contact the agency and ask about this. There's a chance she lied to them which I'm sure would not go over in her favor. And maybe they can find a suitable replacement.
@nimbus Should have added I asked her further about getting the covid vaccine to protect herself and others and she didn't say anything, so I'm inferring she doesn't want to get the vaccine and doesn't want to come right out and say so/avoid being argumentative.
@lauriesinglemom Well holy crap, COVID vaccine aside I would never let someone unvaccinated for mumps measles etc etc watch my child! Wtf! Can’t believe she slipped through the cracks of the agency, I’m sorry
@lambcan Oh I misunderstood the OP, when they said “never had a vaccine and never had COVID” I interpreted that as “never had [any] vaccine” and never had the “COVID [vaccine]” reading comprehension, anyone? Lol 😆
@lauriesinglemom I'd be asking her why, and asking about all her other vaccines. Tdap, measles mumps .... Absolutely must. If she has none, for personal reasons, she should not be nannying except for a family that feels the same and that should be arranged privately not by a formal company. Even if she had none because she actually cant, then she shouldn't be working with a vulnerable population who also aren't yet or can't be vaccinated.
@lauriesinglemom We just had covid, both my partner and our baby and let me tell you it was HELL! We are both vaccinated, but got our second booster at the end of 2021, than got covid in 2022 and just kind of thought well, who the hell still gets covid, also everyone suddenly started saying that it’s a common cold, so we kind of swept it under the rug and forgot about it. Boy when I tell you, our LO had a very high fever for two days but got healthy quickly, but the two of us were sick for more than a week! I’m running for that flu shot ASAP, can’t risk getting flu this season also. So I understand your concern, especially with two premmies at home. Also, if this is a no go for you, I think you already have your answer. I’m sure the agency can provide a nanny who is up to date with her shots.
@lauriesinglemom I required my nanny to show proof of her vaccines and then any seasonal vaccines or boosters that become available. You aren’t going to want someone who didn’t get the flu shot hanging around either.
@lauriesinglemom Is she vaccinated for everything else? Are your twins vaccinated against Covid/RSV yet? My twins had Covid at 4m and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting. A fever for a few days and extra fussy, but more like any other cold. We had to go into the hospital for the Covid test since it was late on a Friday and the fever was high enough and that was pretty stressful. We were able to rule out other things though and were glad we knew what caused the fever. While there, and later with my pediatrician, we realized we were “thankful” it was just Covid and not a variety of other things like meningitis or whopping cough etc.

Now, one big difference we have in our twins is that mine were 37w vs 32w. Those extra weeks can make a ton of difference. If they are immunocompromised or have any other issues, I would be much much more hesitant.

I still don’t love the idea of an unvaccinated nanny though because of what they could teach my children, especially if they are not aligned with my political beliefs. I also don’t like that she could have potentially lied. It would reduce my trust in her. But if you are happy with her care outside of this instance, and cannot find replacement care, then I would be more willing to accept it as long as she has been vaccinated for everything else. You also could insist on another precautionary measure like regular Covid testing etc.

I would also still contact the agency I used to clarify what their protocol for checking vaccination status is and if it includes Covid.
@lauriesinglemom So I’ve been in this position two years ago. My son had been in the ER twice with respiratory infections and it is was during the omicron surge back in Dec ‘21. We decided to kindly state our case and that anyone caring for our children needed the booster. She sent me the most vile text messages after. We may have kept her if she hadn’t done that, but ultimately we shared different world views and I didn’t want her in my son’s life after that. I’m kind of glad she did send those messages because I really don’t want to share my personal space and influence in my child’s life with someone who doesn’t believe in science and keeping others safe. But I will say, it was really hard to find a vaccinated nanny. My last nanny and I actually think a lot of the nannies out there nanny specifically because so many daycares require the vaccine.