Unvaccinated Nanny

@ericc Correct. I was convinced I had it on two separate occasions and got the tests from the hospital and tested negative, and I kept going back for multiple tests because I was convinced the tests were wrong. They weren't though because when I got COVID this past June, it was way worse than when I thought I had it.

I did have the antibody test, but it was either in late 2020 or early 2021 before the vaccine came out.
@ericc I only just got covid after almost 4 years, although I likely had it in March 2020 before testing was available.

This was the first I was delayed getting vaxxed (needed a mammogram so my breast doc asked me to wait until my results came back). Results came back the day I got my positive :(
@lauriesinglemom When we had a nanny, being up to date on vaccines was in the contract as a condition of employment. If you have a second go around on this, you may want to consider that; contracts are very helpful for getting everyone on the same page.
@lauriesinglemom The messaging surrounding covid vaccination has changed quite a bit as more evidence is available. The director of the CDC has said that vaccination against covid doesnt reduce transmission but reduces the severity of the illness for the individual. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...erious-illness-and-death-covid-19/9185671002/

The latest guidance from the CDC (updated 6 days ago) doesnt make any mention of vaccination preventing spread of illness, and reiterates it is a form of personal protection from severe illness. https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/whats-new/5-things-you-should-know.html

This is different than the messaging the public received in 2020 and 2021 which has caused confusion.

Tldr; your nanny being vaccinated or not will not prevent you from catching covid from her if she were to fall ill with it and enter your home.

ETA: this is not me endorsing individuals not vaccinating
@katrina2017 Then it would make sense you would want an unvaccinated person because they would have worst symptoms and then therefore know to call in sick vs someone who has less severe symptoms and coming into work still thinking it’s allergies or a cold
@beth008 Maybe. I think vaccination status alone won't tell you much. Some people arent that in-tune with their bodies and can't differentiate between symptoms.

It would make the alot of sense for OP to offer a very generous amount of paid sick leave to the nanny, so they are incentivized to rest and recover when even sensing they could be ill.
@emygdius Should have added I asked her further about getting the covid vaccine to protect herself and others and she didn't say anything, so I'm inferring she doesn't want to get the vaccine and doesn't want to come right out and say so/avoid being argumentative.
@lauriesinglemom my anecdote: our nanny has an autoimmune disease and is unable to get certain vaccines, but wears a mask in high volume public places and takes precautions to protect herself in other ways. vaccinations were critical when i was interviewing, but it was easy to make the decision to hire her because she protects herself and us, and she ticked every other box.

what i’ve found in studies re: COVID-19 and babies: the major concern with babies and exposure is preexisting comorbidities that would make a COVID-19 infection progress more severely.

@iamsam177 There's a difference between being medically unable to get some vaccines, and actively choosing to disregard science, in which case I'd be concerned about her judgment!

Edit: Also not to invalidate or mistrust what she said, but I have 4 chronic diseases, 2 of which are autoimmune, so I'm quite familiar with this topic and unless it's a live vaccine, I've never been recommended to NOT get a vaccine. We are more prone to severe outcomes in the case of an infection so we're recommended to be as protected as possible. Being immunocompromised, our best line of defence is prevention.
@bmag777 But either way, I would look for a new nanny. Most of those other vaccines are done when you’re young. Choosing not to be vaccinated as an adult is making a statement.