Told that anesthesia would be difficult and dangerous. Anyone have any experience?


New member
I just had my weekly appointment with a dr. Mine was out of town so I had to see her partner. I’m 36 weeks and 6 days with my 1st and about 330lbs. I knew from the start that there were higher chances of complications due to my weight but my usual dr assured me that things would be okay. She even asked if I was looking for pain management such as an epidural and I said yes and she said okay no problem. So far the pregnancy has been complication free. No high blood pressure, I passed my 3hr glucose test, and I’m only like 2lbs heavier than my pre pregnancy weight. Baby is doing fine but just measuring a little big.

They called the other day to let me know that due to my bmi I would have to have a consultation with the anesthesiologist so I’m still waiting for that to happen. This dr though basically said an epidural would most likely not work for me due to my weight and that the anesthesiologist could try but that I should know about all the severe risks that will come with even trying to get an epidural at my weight. Then she went on about how if I have a C-section they’ll most likely have to put me all the way under which is still very dangerous.

I’ve only had one other experience this whole pregnancy where I was made to feel this way about being plus size and pregnant but this dr almost had me in tears from fear and then had the nerve to keep telling me that she wasn’t trying to scare me. Has anyone had or know someone that had experience being overweight and getting an epidural or any kind of pain management? I’m just looking for real experiences now to try and get my mind off the fear and all that could go wrong even though I know there’s risk in any surgery no matter what your weight.
@jpocd I was 362lbs when I went in for an induction. I ended up having two epidurals. The first one they didn't do right and I had a sneaky suspicion about it from the get-go because when they shot some liquid in I felt it specifically on one side and it was super strange. After a few hours they took that one out and put in a new one. Second time I felt a little bit of liquid but it wasn't on one side. I ended up with a c section because baby was sideways and they didn't realize it. That second epidural did perfectly and I was awake through the whole c section.

Some doctors have terrible bedside manner and I think you have unfortunately have been the victim of that. While they do need to tell you the risks that seems a bit extreme
@jpocd I am 40 years old, pregnant with my first, and obese by BMI standards. I have a scheduled C-section in June due to my age. I was never told I would have to be completely put under for my C-section… I was told a spinal block is more effective than an epidural, and they also gave me the option to choose which method I’d like.

I am giving birth in a major metropolitan area, and I have heard people say that their doctors told them they could not give birth in the hospital of choice if they got over a certain weight. I’m guessing this is because of the availability of anesthesiologist/specialists?

Either way, I expressed concerns about my weight prior to becoming pregnant and my doctor had no concerns about it (I am otherwise healthy). There’s something inconsistent here…
@jpocd I was 309 lbs at time of delivery and had an epidural no problem. The anesthesiologist did have a little bit of difficulty placing it correctly because my spine is not as easily palpable due to my weight. It only took a few extra minutes for her to get it in properly. I am not sure I'd pay too much attention to what that doctor said, and instead see what the anesthesiologist thinks when you consult with them.
@jpocd Can't offer any advice, but just wanted to say that it sounds like the Dr has poor beside manner. Speak with your regular doctor and the anesthesiologist. Good luck to you!
@jpocd Don't listen to this doctor. Listen to your regular doctor and tour anesthesiologist. Finding the right spot on a bigger person can be trickier and they may have to play around to find the dosage that works, but once everything is in the right place, it all works the same.
@jpocd I am overweight and had epidural. Worked like magic. I think there is a percentage of women for whom epidural might not work or where it is needed to try several times to get it right.

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