Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

@amcminn84 I just feel like there would be other platforms where their echo chambers would be better heard than in this group? I have a hentai cow girl as my photo… I’m a milky mommy.. I don’t think I’m on the “right” 😂

I’m also a new mom of an 8month old baby. I take seriously the way I want to raise them. Again I don’t believe any republican or person on the right actually care about how they bring up their children as long as they can give ‘em a gun as soon as their born.

But in seriousness I was trying to put heavy on the sarcasm but even then… without the /s … no one can tell 😭😭😭
@genxjeff Some people take it too far. I don’t think it’s a horrible thing to keep in mind, for myself. Also depends on what I’m eating or using. Maybe one day we’ll find out in the afterlife what was true and what wasn’t, because the truth doesn’t really exist anymore imo, I’m not sure when it really even did. (Sorry now I’m ranting.)
@genxjeff I do use this phrase and what I mean is "I have researched those ingredients and I am not comfortable using them but I'm not going to say that to you rn because ... I don't want to sound preachy, it's just my choice, you do you/don't know you well enough/can't get into this rn" etc... OR "I have no clue what that stuff is so I'm gonna go check before I decide"

Aren't we mostly just using accepted shorthand?

It's fair, if you don't know what a thing is, to research first.

Or do you think people actually think 'long word' = 'toxin' ?
@nikkifinnemore Those are quite different positions, aren't they? One is 'crunchier' than the other. I'll be honest, I wouldn't understand you if you use that phrase to mean the position you are outlining here.