Tipping Daycare Teachers

@buithanhhang I'm a toddler teacher. I love cash and gift cards, but my favorite gift I've gotten was a simple Christmas card with a family picture on it. It's from last year when I was a floater and I didn't get many gifts in general, so when they thought of me I was so happy. As a floater I didn't get to know many parents, so they only knew to get me something because the kid talked about me at home. It's been on my fridge all year, and I hope I get more cards to add to my collection this year.
@buithanhhang It depends but I have found that it is common to gift something to your teachers. This could be as simple as a homemade ornament and a letter expressing your appreciation. It does not have to be expensive. I still hang my homemade ornaments on my tree even though I don't see those kids anymore. It's the thought that counts and teachers know this.
@buithanhhang Do not stress about this! I worked in a daycare for years. Yes, some families gave gifts. Others didn’t. A card (doesn’t matter if it’s a dollar store card!) with an acknowledgment of and thanks for their work will be appreciated. A simple craft project is nice too, if your kid is big enough. Every year I hang a little painted wooden star and a glittered pinecone on my Christmas tree. It’s been over a decade since I received them and I can still tell you who they’re from.
@buithanhhang I don't think it's expected or mandatory, especially not if you are struggling. A heartfelt card with a note of appreciation can mean a lot to someone who does an exhausting and thankless job. In particular if you have something specific about the teacher (my son loves reading with you, or we always enjoy your art projects, whatever!) will make them feel seen
@buithanhhang Not expected, just a nice thing to do if possible because daycare teachers don't make much and they usually have their own kids or families. The cost of living where I live has gone up really high really fast and a lot of people are struggling. But you have to tend to your own needs first
@buithanhhang Don’t worry about it. I’m a daycare teacher. We don’t expect it. We do this because we love your kids, not for the gifts. If you buy Christmas cards at all, you can write a card to the room saying merry christmas and expressing your gratitude and that’s more than enough. I hang that stuff on our wall and it’s so heartwarming.

You don’t need to push yourself. We know several of the kids at our center are there on subsidy and their parents (some single parents, some not) are struggling. We do what we can getting donated diapers and wipes and seeing what more resources we can get. Literally the last thing I want is what I know are very limited parent resources going to us. Take care of you and yours first ♥️
@buithanhhang If you feel the need to gift then you can do something so simple, one year I just got a cute card that my son made himself and a king size candy bar. They are appreciative of anything, the biggest message to get across is that you appreciate them and know how difficult it is to work with kids haha

But don’t feel obligated. Some people are just gift givers. I give cards to the mail man my pharmacist ect 😂😂😂😂
@buithanhhang Do not buy a gift for anyone if you can't afford it. Period. End. Stop. The expectation that people should be gifting their children's teachers when times are hard and daycare cost as much as a mortgage is crazy. A thoughtful card is enough. I hate how this season has become all about money and receiving presents.
@johnsubira Personally, I think giving 8 people 50 dollars each is excessive, and I feel like the favourites list is kind of tacky on their part.

Personally, we are giving the 3 primary people in my son’s room $25 gift cards, and then we are giving the centre a 75-100 dollar gift card for a coffee shop for them to buy the rest of the staff coffee and donuts.
@johnsubira I’m blown away by how much you all are gifting teachers? You are giving them more than I give some people who are actually in my life? $50-$100 each??????

I’m sorry maybe I am a cheap ass but wtf? No.
@truthx1111 Thank God someone said it! I'm all for showing appreciation, but daycare is expensive already, plus shelling out for classroom parties & staff supplies--I'm keeping it to gift cards of $15-$25 for floaters & main staff.

Something is better than nothing
@truthx1111 My kid’s daycare teacher takes care of my child, who is more important to me than anyone else in my life. She is as involved in my daughter’s life as we are and she does a damn good job. I’m more grateful for her this year than I am my siblings and friends. Of course we’re going to be generous with her. We’re talking 2000+ hours of care. $100 is 5¢ per hour.
@graceenph This - I’m spending more per person on teachers than some other people in our life BUT they do so much day in and day out for our kids. I am so, so grateful for them, and I know they don’t get paid as much as they should. Well worth the money to me, since we’re lucky enough to be able to swing it.