TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

@jmike123 Something with lots of yeast helps some folks. Shock Top (my favourite too!) doesn’t. Low alcohol is ideal. Alcohol can be drying. So, a stout. Or just brewers yeast in cookies.
@jmike123 right after mine was born i did 1 milk stout a day for the first little while, it was awesome. i would have it at night and we would both sleep better and my supply ended up being through the roof. i only did the beer a night for the first month then my supply was insanely established and i would only have a beer for social occasions, more than two and i would pump and dump but two and all was good!
@sherryamber Zero guilt. I took a breastfeeding class from my hospital and the nurse said moderate drinking was fine while breastfeeding and they had very conservative recommendations for pregnancy.
@sherryamber I literally breastfed in the pub the other day with a pint in my free hand 😅 /british

A few people stared, but that could also have been me getting my boobs out in public so. Eh. Zero guilt, it was my first pint in 1.5years and delicious 👍
@sherryamber I felt MORE guilty about the spicy bagel i had the other day as i heard spicy food makes BF babies gassy? Ffs theres always something to feel guilty about when you’re a mum isnt there?
@katrina2017 Haha! I had no idea! I eat nothing but spicy food but baby is doing fine. I don’t eat dairy which I think makes a big difference. But yes always something! For me it’s my 5 year old not getting enough outdoor time or one on one time with me.