I am team crib til college. Change my mind

@rinalamb As another commenter mentioned, I'm guessing it's a precaution due to likelihood of climbing out. If you are comfortable with the risk of them trying and succeeding with no warning, that's probably the main concern. Mine also uses a sleep sack and has never showed interest in climbing out, plus they will be sharing a room with an infant soon, so for me that risk may be worth it to keep the infant safe from any shenanigans.
@rinalamb ….um my kid was able to flip himself out of crib by 21 mos sleep sac and all.

We ended up taking EVERYTHING out of his room except mattress on floor. His room was near mine, but I put a gate at his door so he’d stay contained. It only took him about a week or two for me to start to put other furniture back into room and take off gate.
@rinalamb Unfortunately it's not about swinging their legs over... They will push themselves up and just flip headfirst over the side. My eldest managed that before she could walk and well under that height.

Some kids will never even try it but yeah, sleep sack or not, if they want to they will.
@sir_faith Yeah, we figured the sleep sack would slow our daughter down too, until she started unzipping them. So we put them on backwards. All good for awhile until one night we hear her doorknob moving and suddenly she's in our room. Climbed out, silently, in a Kyte sleep sack. We thought it was a fluke, but moved everything away from her crib, etc. Back out in under 30 seconds. Even listening for it, we couldn't hear her. Freaky. Anyway, we sorted things out that night and converted her crib to a toddler bed the next morning. Once they set their minds to something...
@sir_faith We left it too long, in hindsight. Even without the climbing out, which I took as a sign that she was fine to stay in. Not that I think we caused her irreparable harm or anything, lol, just that I think an earlier transition would've been good for her.

Anyway! She was almost 2.5yrs and a good 35, maybe even 36". As I said, we definitely should've done it earlier, but the transition went ok in the end.
@rinalamb Yeah. We had to convert the crib at I think 15 months? due to having a giant kid who was hell bent on climbing out. And then she would just climb in bed with me every night because she wasn’t trapped in the baby jail anymore. Sigh.
@bfdd6988 Idk why but reading “wasn’t trapped in baby jail” made me laugh so hard. I also call my sons crib baby jail, I’m not looking forward to him not being trapped anymore
@rinalamb I didn’t know about the height limit with my first. He literally never tried to climb, and wore a sleep sack until 3.25yr, so we didn’t transition him to a toddler bed until almost 3.5yr. He also didn’t potty train until ~3.25yr and to this day, a year later, won’t pee alone anyway at night haha so we didn’t need to specifically otherwise.

Anyway, my 2.5yo is just passing the height limit and I have to decide what I’m going to do now that I know there is a limit. Will try an open bed over the holidays at my in-laws and then assess I guess
@neverbeenalone I think the height limit is related to ability to climb out.

My crib converts to a toddler bed and has a height limit in crib mode, but not for toddler bed mode.

My son has yet to try to climb out so I’m just going to freely ignore the “height limit” until he wants out.

His room is baby proofed and he shouts pretty much first thing when he wakes up anyway.
@moriarty777 Not just climb out — at a certain height, they’re tall enough that they can get a lot of leverage just leaning over and topple out! Toddlers who don’t climb with their feet out of the crib are actually more likely to suffer worse injuries if they fall because they’re going to go out headfirst without anything to break that fall.
@moriarty777 Same here, I’ve got a 90-percentile-height 2.5yo but she hasn’t tried to climb out yet, she has 1/2 inch foam tiles on her room’s floor, and her room is baby-proof. She’s staying in there for now!!
@moriarty777 This sounds just like my older son. Three and a half and despite being a little animal he has never even attempted to climb out of his crib. Going to keep this going as long as I can.
@eder_conegero The railing comes up to her armpits so she’s either really short or the railing is freakishly high (probably the former) but I’m now going to talk to the ped about it and get her advice!

Edit: just read my crib manual. It says not to use if child is over 35 inches OR able to climb out. She hasn’t tried to climb out yet. Phew!