Those who had a C-section, what were you able to do for baby while recovering from surgery?

@blessedbythebest88 I was exact same case as you. Both baby and I had a healthy pregnancy (I worked iut the night before she was born)and obgyn told me to wait till delivery to see if ot was a csection.

I had an emergency c section, not to scare you but the burning pain plus the anestesia side effect did not let me enjoy her the first 8 weeks at least. I did not have help. It was a nightmare, but here we are. Shes close to 5 months and everything got better.

My point: get help, be patient and ask for all the pain meds you need. It will go by really fast.
Btw, she still in percentile 99 and Im still 5ft

Shes using 9 month clothes at 4 months and 3 weeks.
Thats part of the fun too with huge babies...
@blessedbythebest88 For the first 4 days all I could do was hold her and feed her sitting down. We bottle fed because I actually found it very hard to maneuver breastfeeding right after the surgery, and because a c section tends to delay your milk coming in- Since you plan to BF, get a good pump and bring it to the hospital with you to help your milk come in.

I was able to change diapers on day 3 post op (with day of delivery being day 1) but it was a challenge. Just have your husband be prepared to do as much as he possibly can that first week. After the first week I still needed a lot of rest, but was able to sit with and change the baby for a couple hours on my own so he could sleep.

Other things I wish I had known (unplanned c section)- Buy VERY loose fitting, soft, high waisted pants or just get some nursing dresses. Bring big socks and oversized slippers to the hospital because your feet will swell like crazy. It will go down, but I could barely fit into my shoes to leave the hospital. Also make sure you have some period diapers, for me those were the only kind of underwear soft enough for me to tolerate the first week. Good luck!!
@blessedbythebest88 I had a c- section for twins at 33 weeks and so they were in the nicu which I think played a roll because I had to get up and do more, which also helped me to heal quicker.

They were born around 1:40 pm and that evening I was able to get to the nicu, do their baths and care etc. I found my pain was mostly in transitions between positions - so once I was into a position I was okay. Once I got home my main pain was actually excruciating gas pain in my back and I needed a belly band to help hold my stomach together to reduce the back pain anytime I was walking or standing. I was still able to do basic things and all baby care once at the nicu every day. I had pain for about a week or 2 and then I was able to do everything as normal pretty much. 2 weeks postpartum I painted my toddlers bedroom on my own so I feel like that says it all.

Obviously everyone’s experience will be different but I actually found the c section recovery much easier than my first vaginal delivery. It also is important to note planned c sections are different than emergency ones and tend to have less pain involved.

Good luck!
@blessedbythebest88 My doctor sat and talked with me. My baby was breech as well. We decided together that a scheduled c-section was better than trying for labor for hours & then an emergency c-section ( I was being induced so we knew the day ). And after the experience - I absolutely agree. If there is any doubt, just schedule it. I am so glad that is the route we took. It was mentally scary as hell because It was all so new, but If we ever have a 2nd child I absolutely want another scheduled c-section.
I stayed in the hospital as long as my insurance would let me. Went in on Monday and left on Friday. One reason was for my anxiety, I wanted to stay and be monitored as long as possible. While there, my SO and I had help caring for the baby. Which was great because I got to practice standing up, walking, holding baby… which I was doing all of that just hours after the c-section.
*SET AN ALARM ON YOUR PHONE TO PEE. Seriously. I read this on Reddit right before going in and so thankful I did. I didn’t feel the need to go, and when I finally stood up it would hit me and be painful. So just make sure you go pee when you are doing your schedule feedings and diaper changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**
We have a 2 story house, and I just lived in the first floor. I didn’t go upstairs, or feel comfortable on stairs, for awhile. But besides that, life in the first floor was good. I could do everything. Just a little slower than usual, and staying on top of the pain meds I was sent home with made it easy. Keep up on those, don’t try to be tough, just take the pain meds for as long as they are prescribed. I had mine for a month after surgery & maybe it was them that made it smooth sailing.
I did have my SO for a week after we got home, and he did most everything that first week and let me just sit or do what I felt comfortable with. Take advantage of that if you are able.
@blessedbythebest88 Unplanned emergency c section, I am 8 weeks out tomorrow and still quite sore. I can still do things, like light cleaning and chores, but even short walks will make my incision hurt the next day. Granted, I have a connective tissue disorder, which probably affects my healing, but I’m your size. Baby was stuck behind my pelvis. :(
@blessedbythebest88 i’m 3 weeks PP from an unplanned C-section. It took a couple of days for me to feel comfortable standing up straight. Like I would get out of the hospital bed, kind of curled/hunched over and have to slowly uncurl my back to stand up straight.

Laughing and sneezing are still difficult because my belly (note: NOT my incision) are sore.

But I had the procedure on Thursday, was discharged on Sunday and have done everything when it comes to my baby. I am not taking out trashes, or lifting laundry baskets yet. Waiting for the all clear from doctor on that kind of stuff.

Holding and carrying baby, feeding, diapers etc. No problem at all.
@blessedbythebest88 The only things I couldn't do were go upstairs or lift the car seat until around 4-5 weeks. All the usual stuff I could do after about 3-4 days (2 of which we were in the hospital for me).