For those who have weaned before.

@vl32 I was only feeding 1x per day at bedtime when we recently weaned (son is almost 2.5 y/o). I haven't noticed anything except my boobs are less full looking (bummer). I'm also 14 weeks pregnant, though.
@vl32 We’re planning to start trying for baby 2 when our son gets to around 18-20 months. I’ll nurse through the whole pregnancy (please gods, let my milk stay!) and then continue with tandem nursing until he’s ready to be done….and repeat for 2-3 more kids, so I’ll probably be breastfeeding for the next 10 years, roughly, if all goes to plan. I have loved breastfeeding with my first precious little one so far, so I’ll probably be one of the depressed moms when I do eventually stop (in 10 years lol).

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