Those who had a C-section, what were you able to do for baby while recovering from surgery?

@blessedbythebest88 I had an emergency C section, but once I got home from the hospital everything was pretty normal. I cooked, cleaned, held the baby, diapered, I just had to go a little slower. Just listen to your body and have a support system that can help you when you’re exhausted!
@blessedbythebest88 Hi there! I had a planned Csection due to my
Little girl being breech. Recovery wasn’t too bad, still able to move around. Obviously don’t overdue it. My husband pretty much helped with everything. I bf my
Baby so had to do that but not gonna lie it’s uncomfortable to bf those early days because of the c section. For sure splurge on those nursing pillows and nursing chairs. The bed was so uncomfortable for me to bf and still is. Tell your husband what you need during those first few days. Mine was a champ with pretty much helping me feel comfortable to breastfeed. My
Parents helped us out so much too. Don’t be afraid to ask your parents or in laws for help. They made sure we ate and would take care of baby some of motn shifts. Overall don’t overthink it. I was so anxious about my C-section and afterwards but 4 month ppd I wish I soaked in more of those moments and not so anxious all the time. Good luck and enjoy your newborn! It seriously goes by so quickly..
@fran2250 Thank you! Yes, I need to be prepared to ask for help and try to soak in those moments. If I'm going to be bound to a chair or couch with my baby, at least I'll try to make the most out of it.
@blessedbythebest88 I opted for a c-section rather than have it become an emergency. I don’t know if that contributed to a smoother healing period, but once I was able to get up on my feet and walk around (day or two after surgery), I was able to do most things in caring for the newborn, including feeding, changing, holding and rocking, going for walks. Pain management was just Tylenol and ibuprofen. There were some challenges with positioning the baby for nursing. I didn’t carry the baby in the carseat, and it was a little difficult going up and down the stairs. But overall, I was surprised by how quickly I regained physical functions and abilities. This was just my experience, and I suspect a lot of it is just luck.
@blessedbythebest88 I am a prime example of what NOT to do!!

I had a last minute (but not emergency) c-section because baby decided to flip from head down to breach when I was 5cm dilated and 70% effaced.

The spinal block they gave me was very effective and I had zero pain from the procedure. (I was actually talking and joking with the team during the surgery.) As such, I was up and out of bed and walking around later that same day. I didn’t need any painkillers stronger than ibuprofen and managed to talk my OB into a discharge after only 1 night in the hospital.

I have been cautious about not lifting anything heavier than Baby Girl, but I have changed diapers, done laundry, cleaned, cooked, etc. All of which has resulted in popped stitches. At least one exterior stitch is popped and I’m sure I’ve busted an internal as well. Just because the visible cut looks okay, please don’t forget about the 6 internal layers the doctors had to cut and then resew to reach your LO.

Take. Your. Time. Be slow. If you’re tired or feel even a little pain, stop, and rest. Your job is take care of and feed your Baby. Let your village take care of you. ❤️
@blessedbythebest88 My fiancée did everything the first week, I hadn’t changed a single diaper until after that. He would bring me the baby to breastfeed because it was difficult to sit up in bed let alone pick up a baby. After that I got the hang of everything else. I’d recommend a bedside bassinet that connects to your bed! Much easier to pick up baby for night feeds especially those early days when they have to eat every 2 hours
@blessedbythebest88 I had an urgent c-section, and did pretty much everything as normal. But I’m pretty stubborn. I didn’t carry the car seat. I did have help from my wife, I just am not good at doing nothing.
@blessedbythebest88 I had an unplanned section last June and I think I must have been very lucky as I had a very smooth recovery. After 24 hours I was able to move around as normal and lift baby etc, although I did exercise due care when doing so. Everyone is very different so it is a good plan to have help to hand Incase you are having a difficult time.
@blessedbythebest88 I had to do some still- the first week I was kinda given a break, but my family really doesn’t let you rest much and insists that you continue regardless. (We’re NC now) I honestly wish I hadn’t done so much but if push comes to shove you can do any of it- it’s just going to suck really really bad. I recommend slowly increasing exercise. Slowly walking more. Be good and kind to yourself and rest as much as possible. You don’t want to endanger yourself or your baby by doing this when you’re not ready. Good luck mama you got this and my dms are open.
@blessedbythebest88 He should 100% start off with all the heavy lifting. I got my csection 10 days ago and it changes daily what I can do. Some days stairs are no issue and bending for her bassinet is easy. Others the pain is a little worse and even holding her can feel like the biggest chore. Especially if you're breastfeeding I think that's asking alot. My husband does 90% of diapering and swaddling and changing, anything involving bending or going to another room even if I feel a little better that day because if you push too hard you will be down worse the next day. I mean ideally he should be taking care of you as well afterwards my husband helped with my pads and putting on my socks and reminding me of my meds and letting me rest when I can.
@blessedbythebest88 I did diaper changes and other duties, but needed a lot of help moving from position to position. My SO did as much as possible. It was a lot of pain but got infinitely better when the staples were able to come out. My biggest recommendations are be diligent with your pain control; take it when you’re due for it. And also get a rolling cart of some sort to keep by you. A spot for your drink, snacks, other necessities that you can bring along with you.
@blessedbythebest88 I had a planned c section for a breech baby too! I spent the first 4 days in the hospital recovering (what insurance would cover). We had our pack and play with the bassinet and diaper changing station set up downstairs so I didn't need to keep going up and down stairs for anything. I wasn't cleared to lift anything over 15 lbs, drive, or take baths.

Having the extra time to prepare for this took off so much stress and made recovery much better. The first day I had HORRIBLE nausea from the anesthesia. The second day the pain hit as the anesthesia wore off. During those two days I really needed a lot of assistance to move around and pick up baby to nurse. But honestly after that I was able to get up out of bed and walk around the halls largely unassisted. Changing positions while sitting or standing was slow and a bit painful, but once I was in a comfy position I was good. Start practicing doing everything without any pressure on your abs. By the time I got home on the 4th day, I wasn't in too much pain, just like mild period cramps for me. But everything just took a lot more energy and all my efforts were going to nursing and pumping, so I needed my spouse to do everything else around the house like laundry and make food.
@iknowthetruth Lots of new info here!

Were you able to take showers or did you had to just wash yourself with a sponge?

It's a great idea to start practicing how to do stuff without adding pressure to the abs.

Thanks for sharing!
@blessedbythebest88 Showers were fine! They just said not to scrub or soap directly and just let water run over the incision. Actually helped loosen up and take a break from everything, so when you're able to physically manage it, get your SO to take care of baby and have those 10-15mins to feel human again. But lotion in the whole chest/abdomen area was a no go because of the pulling pressure. It still feels weird to apply now 6 wks out.
@blessedbythebest88 I was able to do a lot of those things by maybe day 3 but to be honest, breastfeeding early on is exhausting enough and takes enough time that between that and recovering my husband generally did everything other than breastfeeding. I'm a week out and just starting to take more diapers etc.
@blessedbythebest88 I had an unplanned c section in January and I recovered quickly and easily. I had a few doses of dilaudid in the hospital then stuck with scheduled naproxen. I breastfed and changed diapers, swaddled, carried him pretty much immediately. I truly found the worst part of any of it to be maneuvering myself in a shitty hospital bed, not any part of infant care. In the hospital I just took it really slow standing, sitting and walking.

Even at home I basically lived in bed for a few weeks. I didn't push myself or bother with stairs for awhile. I eased into short walks with my husband after a week or two.