The 'not your birthday present' tradition my M.I.L started

@jjoolloo And you may choose to use sibling birthdays for this, and potentially ruin the birthday childs day to deal with a tantrum, but it's not wrong to choose to make peace for that day, and do practise other days.
@katrina2017 Someone else having a tantrum isn’t going to ruin a kid’s birthday, you can pick that child up and remove them from the room. Happens at some point in the day at plenty of the parties we’ve attended. Allowing another child to blow out a kid’s birthday candles to avoid the tantrum is a poor parenting move.
@httx Obviously that is, because it's detracting from someone else. No one even mentioned that, or I completely missed it.

I'm talking about a small gift to help kids who struggle with their siblings birthday to help keep the peace before they've learned the emotional tools to do so
@katrina2017 All the more reason to set expectations early, when the birthday child is young enough to not remember or be too affected by their sibling.

Parent how you want, but I personally haven't come across any legitimate literature or experiences that support this method.

do practise other days.

Not sure of any other occasions that fit this bill, other than birthdays or more special celebrations.
@katrina2017 Behavior like this absolutely has a developmental effect on kids. OPs kids are learning that they should get focus on every occasion, when they should be learning that not everything revolves around them. Kids need to learn how to share the spotlight, and behavior like this from the mom is delaying that lesson. Kids who go their entire childhood like this end up becoming very self entitled adults.

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