Cake for 1st birthday?

@stay_tattd4_lyfe My baby was born at 29 weeks and vlbw. Also with some stomach problems with solids for a while. We did do cupcakes for her actual 1 yr birthday. She was more interested in making a mess than eating it, though. We let her have a small taste but that was it. We didn’t let her have a whole cupcake.
@stay_tattd4_lyfe Are there any foods he likes squishing? My daughter had a g-tube when she turned 1 and wasn't eating much by mouth. We did oranges segments and bananas because she could squish them. She didn't eat any.

A friend did a muffin and strained yogurt to make a sort of frosting with very little sugar (mainly in the muffin).
@forgivenofsins I'm not sure about foods he likes to squish since he's still only handling stage 1 purées. I have tried to introduce a bit of baby led weaning, but he chokes often and it makes me uncomfortable, so I don't feed him that way too much.

I like the idea of the homemade yogurt frosting, thank you!
@stay_tattd4_lyfe We did “real” cakes for all first birthdays (27 weeker and 31 weeker twins.) 2/3 had/ have egg and other food allergies so they were from a vegan, top 8 free bakery and relatively healthy. You could always look around locally for an option like that if you’re worried. They mostly just played in the icing and maybe ate a baby sized handful in total.
@stay_tattd4_lyfe We did a cupcake with whipped cream not frosting, I made the cupcake like carrot cake but with no nuts and low sugar. We were 33 and 2 preemie. We did a real cake when he was 1 adjusted age.
@stay_tattd4_lyfe I’m planning to do something like the solid starts one… it’ll look like a cake, but taste more like a muffin, only naturally sweetened. My baby turns 1 in June, but he’ll be 9 mos adjusted.

Side note, how wonderful is it to imagine their birthday party 🥹🥳
@stay_tattd4_lyfe I’d say find a recipe you’re comfortable with and give that to your son. My daughter will be 8 months adjusted when she turns 1 next month. I do plan on getting her a jumbo cupcake. Mainly for playing/picture purposes honestly. She doesn’t seem to like sweets (I’ve tried giving her fruit and whipped cream and she rejects them both).
@stay_tattd4_lyfe My son was born at 31 weeks. He had issues digesting dairy at first, but he grew of that and he could have dairy by 1 without issue.

On his actual birthday he was thrilled to completely demolish his cake. He ate some, he mashed some, he got it everywhere, and ended up crawling through the remains. We had him outside on a blanket. It was hilarious. The cake had sugar. Frosting had sugar. He did eat a decent amount, but the vast majority ended up on his hands, face, head, clothing, legs. Honestly it was more a sensory activity than an efficient way of ingesting calories. Zero regrets.

It was a small smash cake, about 5" across. He maybe ate 1/3 of a cupcake worth of cake and some frosting. He might have absorbed more sugar through his skin. Haha!