Cake for 1st birthday?

@stay_tattd4_lyfe I think we're going to make a watermelon cake. Just cut a piece of watermelon in a cylinder and frost it with homemade no-sugar whipped cream. It won't smash the same as a cake, but I think she'll still have fun with it.
@stay_tattd4_lyfe We had a 32 weeker and spent 56 days in the NICU so I feel you with all the questions. For his 1 year bday (when he was 10 months adjusted) I made a carrot cake with cream cheese icing that he mostly just smashed up, didn’t even eat any. We gave him a taste but he just wasn’t interested. I think because we don’t give him any sugar or sweets he may just not have a taste for it (yet). In any event, there are lots of carrot or banana type cakes you can make, and if they’re anything like my guy they won’t care either way ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@stay_tattd4_lyfe We just had our twin's 1st birthday, (born 30+1, so about 9.5mo adjusted at the bday).

We did cupcakes because 1. they were really only interested in the frosting and 2. you can have some variety for your guests.

We'll be coming up on their homecoming date here next month, but I'm not sure if we'll be trying anything yet.