I must say millennial and gen Z dads are killing it! I grew up with 9 brothers including myself , between 4 different dads. Statistically you’d think one would wanna provide or that my mom made really poor choices (probably a bit of both) . Growing up in that chaos watching her fight with “men” to do the bare minimum really created a complex in me. So I vowed at 10 years old that I would never have a “dead beat” baby daddy! And I don’t, at 14 I went into foster care till 18 and in those 4 years the complex got even stronger .. I’m incredibly fortunate to have found a man who would cut off his left nut for his family! I just wanna say good job dads, I know it’s sad to even be acknowledging men doing the bare minimum of caring for a child, but when you grow up and see what I’ve seen it’s healing to see the dads of today and my precious hubby contributing in child rearing. I’m healing that little piece of me slowly through my baby and watching her have an amazing father, remember guys you are IMPORTANT and have a huge impact on your babes.
Edit: this goes out to ALL father figures it’s not genitalia specific
Edit: this goes out to ALL father figures it’s not genitalia specific