Taking a Poll


New member
Taking a poll to make us moms all feel better. I feel like social media shows us perfect babies and perfect moms most of the time and sometimes that’s makes me feel like I’m failing bc my baby isn’t doing that!

Give me your “mom fail” moments we can all relate to.
@johnny1217 10 weeks pp here and Samesies!! I’ve worn jeans once (the baggy and loose fitting ones), I put on makeup once for my husband’s birthday dinner, and I really only put on a bra when I’m leaving the house and will be gone for at least an hour.
@lovemyangel Not sure if you have tried this but a quick swipe of a cold wet wipe under his belly button before you take off his nappy seems to help

I started doing this after the second time my boy peed on his own face!
@lovemyangel Haha my girl loves to pee after i takr out the diaper, i tried the wet wipes hack and wait, doesn't work..
I take the diaper out and be ready for the pee, she doesn't pee, i staythere for 2-3 mins she doesn't pee..
I clean her then, and the one little second i take off the dirty diaper from beneath her to put the other she makes her pee party 🎉
@g19shooter still wearing my ratty button up nightgowns unless i need to leave the house. tummy time? barely done. crumbs all over his head because i have to eat while holding him. wake windows? what are those? we’re over here winging it! we also don’t have a bedtime routine yet outside of changing him into nighttime jammies and saying it’s bedtime…

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