Confidence taking care of babies alone as a SAHM

@cookie1720 You’ll do great! There will be hard days for sure, but just keep them fed and mostly clean. You’ll be able to beef things up over time and as they get older. I still get overwhelmed sometimes (really really overwhelmed sometimes, ha), and it helps to just focus on the next one thing, not how many hours until my husband gets home. For example, if they’re both going off, the laundry, kitchen, and their baths cease to exist in my mind. It’s just getting them fed. And when that’s over, maybe it’s getting them changed. And the next one thing, and the next one thing. That helps me keep the train on the tracks.
@cookie1720 Take the week before he goes back and practice doing things alone. It helped me feel more confident knowing of if I truly needed help, hubs was still here. Start small, do one feeding by yourself. You can work out kinks that need adjusting that way. Also the floor is the safest place to leave a baby when you need to go pee, take a 5 minute shower, change a diaper, etc. also a crying baby will be ok. It takes a lot mentally to remind yourself that they are ok. If you are in the middle of a poopy diaper change, you can’t leave the poop. The other baby will be ok for the few moments it takes to finish what you are doing. Same thing for taking care of yourself too. If they are fed and have a clean diaper, they are ok for a few minutes. We just lived in the floor when it was just me and the babies. Go ahead and order a comfy mat. You’ll want it when they start trying to sit and crawl anyways. Other than that, just give yourself grace. You do the best you can and some days will be better than others.
@cookie1720 The great thing about infants is they won’t go anywhere if you set them down. I am home with our twins and have been since day 1. The biggest thing is to remember that it’s going to be okay. Take care of yourself first. Eat. Sleep when you get the chance. At 11-12 weeks the being alone with the kids is easier than it was at week 5-6.