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@simonbarkoziba Crumbs, and one time spaghetti with sauce here. 😢 In my defense it was my first food of the day at 3pm and I had to eat. Thankfully she was due for a bath that day.

Tummy time doesn't get done either. She doesn't try to lift her head when we do it, she just goes flat and cries. She lifts her head a lot more when I have her on me while I am sitting reclined.
@g19shooter My baby girl got a terrible raw diaper rash within her first month. She “sharts” a lot so I wouldn’t know she had pooped. We’ve since figured it out, but I felt like a terrible mother.
@ebuzi We got a raw diaper rash within our first week home from hospital when we switched to cloth 😣 coupled with returning home after a rough hospital stay, it was so stressful!

I keep reminding myself that every time I feel like a terrible parent and try to solve the problem, I'm probably not that terrible. Hope you're finding your groove too 🫶
@ebuzi We had this too, though we were definitely changing often enough. We found it was a combination of the wipes causing irritation and not using diaper cream. Switched to water wipes, and use cream every time whether she has a rash or not. No problems now, and a much happier baby :)
@rpwilso Mine is 5 months and just stopped doing this on their own; honestly, do whatever you need to do to get the baby to sleep so you can rest as well