Still not adjusted at daycare after over 3 months -- help!

@acedeck Just spoke with our doctor a bit ago and this was actually something he brought up too. Hadn't really considered it before, but maybe we should. It's tough because we know she's really connected with one teacher especially, and they're all so lovely there, and we've already gone through the whole transition thing and it at least feels somewhat familiar ... but at the same time, if there's a possibility she just feels anxious or insecure around one or two of the other teachers, that could explain a lot, and maybe it's worth trying a new place. It feels daunting to go through the transition all over again. And what if it's just the same thing, then we did it all for nothing. But I guess we can never know. Stream of consciousness here, just processing the idea. Thank you for sharing this option
@n1gger Spoke with our doctor this morning. He also suggested considering switching places. Can you tell me more about why you think taking her out is best? Do you think it's damaging her by sending her when I know she's so upset so much?

I really struggle to know if it's just one of those things you have to push through and let them settle into it, or if that's cruel and she's saying something's wrong, so do something different :/