Son broke up with his girlfriend because she was too “freaky”

@brandonhi That can be extremely harmful physically for the young mother. My mom had a friend who had a baby at 14 and ended up with a fallen cervix later in life.
@centurionforchrist I dunno, internet 1.0 was the Wild West.

Theres crazy shit we see every day, but I don’t think I’d rank the likes of completely unregulated chat rooms, and the obscene shock value content back then as more tame.

It isn’t the internet we grew up with, but I’d say it’s mostly better. Mostly because people overall are more savvy.

If anyone asked my parents, they’d say “parental controls, what’s that?” Lol
Theres crazy shit we see every day, but I don’t think I’d rank the likes of completely unregulated chat rooms, and the obscene shock value content back then as more tame.

There's one key element here that's missing. This is on their phone in their pocket every-fucking-minute of the day AND they get served (we mainly had to actively look it up) dubious content through reels/snapchat/whatever indefinitely. While I generally agree that back then it was more unregulated and "wild" it's no measure to the shear exposure kids have today - willingly and unwillingly.
@shinykittyfairy The social manipulation and addictive properties of devices and connectivity is really the issue, and we have ways of controlling a lot of that which is good. It’s just if you don’t control it, then the kids are in trouble.

I’d argue it’s not just internet, but entertainment as a whole. I’ve recently had my own screen time drop off a cliff, and as it did my grip on the family access has tightened. My son hates not being able to play Fortnite as much as he breathes, but it’s also stories like OPs that make me not care about his sensitivities in that regard. People need a healthy balance of social interaction, and experience outside to see it’s not all like how influencers present things.
@shinykittyfairy Remember when you used to turn your computer off for the day and that was it, you were “done with the internet” for the day?

That’s the difference.

That and attention span destroying, mind warping, algorithm based short video feeds

Hey, you looked at this picture of a girl in a tight outfit for a second that is actually thinly veiled pro anorexia content… here’s some more!
@shinykittyfairy Yeah.... Some weird (and terrible) shit on the early Internet. But, you had to figure out how to find it, and actively go find it... And your computer was probably in a common area of the house where "alone" time was limited.

Now it's 24/7 being pushed to us, and kids have private viewing capabilities more times than not.