Son broke up with his girlfriend because she was too “freaky”

@resolve413 How are parents expected to parent in these situations? I have two small boys and I am constantly talking to my wife about how we are defining now our boys relationships with technology and more importantly, females. It seems incredibly problematic to criminalize a parent in a situation like this because it is their role to lead and teach their children.
@resolve413 do you have a link to this case? not saying i dont believe you but any decent lawyer would have been able to get this case to not even reach jail time.. you sure you're not overexaggerating? This would have made front page news lol. There are actual real pedos that dont even serve jail time for worse things
@mitoman Yeah, I got into a sticky situation that was only saved by my mom’s friendship with the police officer that dealt with it. He was a DARE officer that I first met in elementary school and at the time of the incident was the school officer.

In senior year I dated this girl for a few months, and during that we had exchanged some photos and videos, which, looking back, was something I regret, regardless of how it actually went. I wasn’t a very good boyfriend and I think I just liked the thrill of the whole thing. Anyway, she’s quite upset about the way I broke up with her, and she goes to this officer who she knows and tells him I have pictures of her on my computer. This was before smart phones, so that’s where they were.

The part that makes this a particular problem is that, while I’m 18, she was not. Same damn grade, both seniors, but she’s still a minor, something that did NOT occur to me when we were together.

So he ends up talking to me, talking to my mother, and the whole thing ends with him wiping the photos from my computer (the implications of that still make me feel bad) and explaining the dangers here.

Overall, great officer who did his best to protect and teach dumb kids who made a mistake, but it could have gone differently.

Moral of the story: good kids make dumb choices, best thing is to make sure they have good influences and mentors wherever you can find them.
@mitoman Thank you for saying this. While most prosecutors and officers should be reasonable and recognize he did not ask for them. The fact is our laws state possession period. Not whether you wanted them nor whether you are in fact a minor yourself and it has been prosecuted.
@saylormom Sounds like merely being in possession of an avenue for arbitrary people to put arbitrary data into your possession – such as, say, an e-mail address, a phone number, an IM account, or a mailbox – would expose you to this liability.
@jaxsn Make sure lil man deletes every single thing. Make sure there are no backups on your computer/in the cloud/anywhere else. You do not want those images to crop up on your iCloud family photo stream thing.
@jaxsn Problem is it's completely normalised. I've been a teacher for a long time and there's not a week goes by that we're not dealing with kids as young as 11 sending naked pictures of themselves
@forhiskingdom My school had a pregnant/young mom program. People make mistakes but the couple is still together and doing well for themselves. Not 11 years old but 13 and ironically came from a Christian school transfer. So I can attest for at least one successful couple getting through it.