Solo trip w/o wife @36wks: good or bad idea?


New member
Strictly hypothetically speaking, for a friend: your wife is preggo at 36 weeks. Doctor says don’t travel outside city. But your good friend has a wedding that weekend 5 hours away. Do you:

A. Leave wife behind to attend wedding alone,
B. Insist wife comes with because it’s a doable drive and can’t-miss-wedding, or
C. Respectfully decline the invitation and remain home with preggo wife that weekend?
@kurari Our first came a few days into the 36th week…. You probably wouldn’t miss the delivery, but being 5 hours away you would definitely miss driving her to the hospital and the labor.

Probability of birth that day is slim, but consequences are too high. Can’t miss wedding or can’t miss birth. Also if you partied, got covid and couldn’t go to the hospital; your wife would be pissed
@kurari Good Friend + wedding x drinks = guaranteed childbirth. Play it safe; else it'll be one costly Uber and you don't wanna show up to the hospital in a sweaty, hoppy wedding suit.
@kurari My baby arrived at 37 weeks… just remember traveling at 36 weeks even by car can increase risk of labor or complications. Altitude change, mobility and circulation changes, stress can all affect pregnancy in those final weeks. C would be the most appropriate option.

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