Solo travel carrier for 18-lb baby?


New member
I’ll be flying solo with my 18-lb 9-month old next month. I have an original ergo baby but I cannot get it on and off myself (cannot reach the clip btw my shoulder blades). Are there similar carrier that are easier to don and doff, as well as a little less bulky? I’d also like one he can grow into as a toddler and eventually wear him on my back. Thanks so much for suggestions!!
@lynsquid Well done! You can also try wearing the carrier as cross-straps or I simply wear mine as H-straps and close it higher towards my neck so I can reach it (but my back doesn't suffer due to it, I couldn't imagine this not working for everyone).
@lynsquid You should be able to do all that with the ergo. Other structured carriers are more or less the same with location of buckles, straps and you put them on and off very similarly. The tutorials that show that you buckle the shoulder blade clip while you have baby on are garbage, in my opinion. It's not realistic even for very flexible people. Loosen the shoulder straps fully, pre-clip the clip, put shoulder straps on and then put baby in, then tighten the shoulder straps. You can back carry with the ergo too. I like the hip scoot method. Lots of good tutorials on it.
@lynsquid I have the ergobaby omni breeze - not sure how similar the location of buckles etc are, but I found this video super helpful for putting it on myself without help. As someone else mentioned, I leave the back clip clipped and lift it over my head.
@lynsquid You can also loosen the shoulder straps, put on the waistbelt, put in the baby, put on the straps, clip it behind your neck, tighten the straps and there the clip will ride down.
@lynsquid If you loosen the shoulder straps, you can pull the clip up to the nape of your neck and buckle/unbuckle that way. Then, tighten the shoulder straps back up and your clip will be in the right place on your back. Here’s the tutorial:

@lynsquid If you really don’t want to take the ergo, a cross back carrier could work well! I love my hope and plum lark, easy to clip on the sides. It’s an apron waist, but if you want a waist belt that’s more similar to the ergo, the wildbird aerial would be another good option with a cross back
Adding that the lark is great as baby grows, it has a large panel, and can be worn easily on the back as well. The aerial I’ve heard is a little more of a pain to switch from front to back, but it’s an option
@lynsquid The hope&plum Lark is airport security friendly and is apron style so you can sit comfortably while babywearing. Easy to put on solo too. It also packs up really small which is great on the go. I think it checks all the boxes!