So glad we did cloth diapers - r/all had a room full of disposable diapers

@fishsack 🙋🏼‍♀️ twin mom here! Yeah. We (okay, I, and my husband just got in line) decided to go cloth diaper before even finding out we were having twins, but when I see pictures of people's disposable stashes, it just reinforces that we made the right choice.
@mikentexas I cloth diapered my twins from the day we got home from the hospital until they toilet trained. My friends talking about going to the store just for diapers was enough for me to feel secure in my choice. Running a load of laundry will always be easier than loading two babies up to go to the store.
@fishsack I have twins. They're 10 weeks. I'm really only getting them in to cloth now. I initially started at 6 weeks, but 1 ended up in hospital with RSV, and I was with him. Then we went away for Christmas and didn't have space in the car for nappies. My mother in law had disposables waiting there for us. After we got back, I got sick with covid. That brings us to the end of last week. I didn't get a double newborn stash so I'm doing a mix of cloth and disposables. Once they fit into onesize, no more disposables. I can't wait! The waste right now is awful. I think I'd pass out if anyobought us that many disposables.

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