I’m so glad I stayed active

@jmldn2 I was also super active until quite late in pregnancy and had a similar birthing experience :). I do have pretty bad lower back pain now but I’ve had that pre pregnancy as well. I can’t imagine doing all the lifting and squatting in the post partum period if I hadn’t done a lot of training prior to!
@jmldn2 I am in my first trimester and dont feel like even moving a bit! Extremely Nauseous and sleepy.
I am bit worried but dont have the energy to push myself :(
@semune Don’t be too hard on yourself, your body is so hard at work every single day laying the foundations to create your baby!!! I was exhausted the first trimester too and didn’t really work out at all but my energy levels came back in the second and I was able to get back to it, hang in there mama you got this!
@jmldn2 Yep! Seconding this. I basically took my entire first trimester off. I eased back into my routine during my second trimester, and now I'm back up to working out 5x a week in my third, making modifications where necessary. Feeling great!
@semune I’m also in my first. It’s okay for us to rest or even take the entire trimester off. We are surviving right now, as much as it mentally sucks it’s what our bodies need! We’re growing a whole baby after all. I went from 5-6 lifting sessions a week, one 4 mile jog a week, and 10-15k steps daily to MAYBE lifting once or twice a week, minimal cardio, and barely hitting 5k steps (only because I work retail so I’m up 5 days a week) am I happy about it? No, not really. But am I much happier to be carrying a tiny baby? Yes! It will all be worth it!
@semune What are you worried for specifically? If it’s pregnancy related go see the specialist/OB. If it’s about working out, don’t stress about it. The first is always a toss up and you’ll see minimal decline in fitness even if you have to take a few weeks off
@semune Pregnancy isn’t when anyone gets super toned anyway, so the less you can worry about it, the better. I just had my third and worked out consistently the last two pregnancies! But this third one, I didn’t stress when I missed a day, or took a week off/had a super easy week or two. With my second I stressed about gaining weight and losing fitness - it drove me nuts. So definitely work as hard as you safely can/want to on your Feel Good days - but pull back on your Don’t Feel Good days!
@semune Just relax. Everyone I know who was pregnant, u closing myself was sooooo tired and nauseous during the first trimester. You’ll feel better once you hit the second trimester. It’s so weird how it just completely changes for the better! I literally skipped the gym and napped allll day. And now at 32 weeks I work out 4-5x a day. Have a lot of energy compared tot he first trimester.
@jmldn2 Same! I had a one degree year but only because my baby had her arm across her shoulder. Otherwise straightforward, uncomplicated birth and very quick recovery. I’m 6 days pp and worked out up until the day before labor. I feel sooo much better now than I did while pregnant, very little bleeding, stopped wearing diapers after a few days and so far, no baby blues.
@jmldn2 I loved this. I worked out for about half my first pregnancy and it went really well I only stopped because my hip was so bad. I ended up needing hip surgery after. Got my hip surgery and recovered. Now I’m 26 weeks pregnant and so far I’m going really strong 5x a week with lifting and doing cardio. This gave me more encouragement to keep on moving. Praying I can keep this up through third trimester.
@jmldn2 Me too! I went to a pelvic floor pt during pregnancy and I think that contributed to me not tearing, although I also had a tiny 5 lb 9 oz baby
@jmldn2 This is exactly what I needed to hear! I’m at 20 weeks now but feel pretty much as bad as I did at week 6, no second trimester energy boost for me unfortunately. I’ve been struggling to stay active and have wondered lately if it is “worth it”. This is great motivation to keep moving!
@jmldn2 Awesome stuff! I had a similar situation, no epidural. Worked out up until 6 hours before I went into labor. Last workout: 14 mile bike ride uphill. Was ready to walk out of the delivery room an hour after baby was born. Working out is a game changer. It’s a pity there is so much bad advice out there related to working out while pregnant.